Moving On After Cancer Course
In 2016, the year after my cancer treatment, I was invited by the clinical psychologist on the hospital staff if I would like to take part in the next “Moving On After Cancer” course he runs several times a year. I was not sure if I deserved a place because I considered that I was doing pretty well, and would be reluctant to take the place of someone more deserving, but he said my positive attitude could be a real asset in the group, if I would like to come.
As it turned out, I gained far more from the course than I imagined.
I wrote up each session immediately afterwards and posted them on my old blog, and have copied them onto this new blog because I believe the information contained could still be useful to anyone having recently completed their cancer treatment.
I hope my readers find this helpful and interesting, whatever their involvement with cancer – whether they are a patient, carer, relative or friend, or just someone who wants to know more about the subject.