Online Art Course – Coloured Pencils – Vegetables

ONLINE ART COURSE - COLOURED PENCILS - VEGETABLES I have now reached the final module in the online art course which deals with specific media, in this case, coloured pencils. The remaining modules are subject-based (e.g. landscapes, animals, portraits). Coloured pencils are now one of my favourite media to work with. I have…


Studio Tidying, Teabag Stains, Crochet and Embroidery, and Organising a New Paint Box – Activities during Online Art Course Rest Week

STUDIO TIDYING, TEABAG STAINS, CROCHET AND EMBROIDERY, AND ORGANISING A NEW PAINT BOX - ACTIVITIES DURING ONLINE ART COURSE REST WEEK I saved this as a draft on 1st May and then forgot to publish it. I posted it on 19th May, back-dated to 1st May. What did I do in the rest…


Teabag Art – Beautiful Staining

TEABAG ART - BEAUTIFUL STAINING Over the past few weeks I have been drying various teabags on watercolour paper to create stains. In my box of miscellaneous and scrap watercolour paper I have a small stack of textured, quite thick paper which I have discovered does not behave well with watercolours - the…