Stencils from AliExpress

STENCILS FROM ALI EXPRESS Recently I was searching for some suitable lids for the new cat food tins we are getting, and the only place I could find where they had them of the correct small size and not in multi-sized sets was AliExpress. I duly ordered two packs of eight, and they…


Studio Tidying, Teabag Stains, Crochet and Embroidery, and Organising a New Paint Box – Activities during Online Art Course Rest Week

STUDIO TIDYING, TEABAG STAINS, CROCHET AND EMBROIDERY, AND ORGANISING A NEW PAINT BOX - ACTIVITIES DURING ONLINE ART COURSE REST WEEK I saved this as a draft on 1st May and then forgot to publish it. I posted it on 19th May, back-dated to 1st May. What did I do in the rest…


Online Art Course – Completing the Pastel Pencils Module, the First Sheet of Peppermint Teabag Stains, and Coloured Pencil Update

ONLINE ART COURSE - COMPLETING THE PASTEL PENCILS MODULE, THE FIRST SHEET OF PEPPERMINT TEABAG STAINS, AND COLOURED PENCIL UPDATE Pastel Pencils Self-Directed Challenge - Facial Features This afternoon I finished this challenge at last. It's been a busy couple of weeks, what with being ill and getting my new glasses and various…