Stencils from AliExpress

STENCILS FROM ALI EXPRESS Recently I was searching for some suitable lids for the new cat food tins we are getting, and the only place I could find where they had them of the correct small size and not in multi-sized sets was AliExpress. I duly ordered two packs of eight, and they…


Online Art Course – Eagle in Charcoal

ONLINE ART COURSE - EAGLE IN CHARCOAL Several months ago I completed the charcoal module, and was heartily glad to do so, and I put my charcoal away in the dark recesses of my Spare Art Materials box, assuming they would not see the light of day again. However... we are now in…


A New Toy – Nanozoom

A NEW TOY - NANOZOOM I recently bought a nifty little gadget for my phone - a Nanozoom. This is a 200x microscope lens that you clip onto the phone in order to take extreme magnification photos. I had to fiddle around with it a bit in order to line it up on…


Studio Tidying, Teabag Stains, Crochet and Embroidery, and Organising a New Paint Box – Activities during Online Art Course Rest Week

STUDIO TIDYING, TEABAG STAINS, CROCHET AND EMBROIDERY, AND ORGANISING A NEW PAINT BOX - ACTIVITIES DURING ONLINE ART COURSE REST WEEK I saved this as a draft on 1st May and then forgot to publish it. I posted it on 19th May, back-dated to 1st May. What did I do in the rest…