Green Marbles in Coloured Pencils

GREEN MARBLES IN COLOURED PENCILS My third post today! Shiny, transparent and/or reflective surfaces I've always been fascinated by these. I know that all that glisters is not gold, but I do love a bit of bling, and I love the play of light in and around transparent objects. For years I have…


Online Art Course – Completing the Pastel Pencils Module, the First Sheet of Peppermint Teabag Stains, and Coloured Pencil Update

ONLINE ART COURSE - COMPLETING THE PASTEL PENCILS MODULE, THE FIRST SHEET OF PEPPERMINT TEABAG STAINS, AND COLOURED PENCIL UPDATE Pastel Pencils Self-Directed Challenge - Facial Features This afternoon I finished this challenge at last. It's been a busy couple of weeks, what with being ill and getting my new glasses and various…


Online Art Course – Pastel Pencils – Hen

ONLINE ART COURSE - PASTEL PENCILS - HEN This is the second project in this module. Although I am improving, I still struggle with proportion! I marked the extremities of my drawing before beginning, and it came out much too small! I didn't use the proportional divider. Apart from this, I am pretty…