Artwork consisting of different media
MARK MAKING ON THE ABSTRACT WATERCOLOUR MINI-ALBUM Shoshi's gone marking mad! I had soooo much fun with this latest project. It wasn't a lengthy project - I could do a page or two per session and just bung stuff down and see what happened. Quite different from my recent highly disciplined projects. Nice…
SEND IN THE CONES Caroline, one of my pals on the ArtKula art forum, has gained quite a reputation for her famous watercolour sketches of wheelie bins and traffic cones. She loves painting ordinary things, and it has become quite a joke between us. She reported recently that she'd been out painting on…
ONLINE ART COURSE - THE FINAL PROJECT - CHERRIES... AND MORE! I'm feeling quite sad. This is the final directed challenge of the whole year-long course, and it's hard to believe that it's finished, apart from the self-directed challenge which will be anything you like - totally open ended! I think Phil, our…
DISTRESSED COLLAGE ELEMENTS - GRAPHICS FAIRY I subscribe to the Graphics Fairy Premium Membership site and recently watched a video by one of their designers. He used some of their printable collage strips to make into an unusual little album, and distressed the images by sticking teabags on top. The effect was brilliant…
STENCILS FROM ALI EXPRESS Recently I was searching for some suitable lids for the new cat food tins we are getting, and the only place I could find where they had them of the correct small size and not in multi-sized sets was AliExpress. I duly ordered two packs of eight, and they…
NEGATIVE PAINTING - CELLS The second of two negative paintings I completed recently. This one was slightly more successful than the lava flow one, but I'm still not entirely satisfied with it. It did stick to the brief of negative painting a bit more, though. It ended up being a mixed media piece…
ONLINE ART COURSE - THE LANDSCAPE CHALLENGE PART 3, AND LILY THE TELLY ADDICT For parts 1 and 2 of this challenge, please see my blog posts here and here. The completion of the Landscape Challenge! This has been the most fun project to do, and I am more than happy with the…
ONLINE ART COURSE - THE LANDSCAPE CHALLENGE PART 2, AND RUBY HAS BEEN HELPING For Part 1, please go here. I have been working on the actual landscape, and have completed the initial drawing and the painting. The initial drawing Just as a reminder, here is my reference photo, of the gardens of…
ONLINE ART COURSE - THE LANDSCAPE CHALLENGE PART 1 Plans, and the initial stages We are approaching the end of the landscapes module on the course, and the current project is the self-directed challenge. We are to create a landscape using at least two different media, from one of the reference photos provided,…
TWO ART PIECES FRAMED Some time ago I visited an online picture framing site and added a couple of pictures to my gallery there. You can upload a photo of your picture and then customise the frame and mount. In the preview window, your picture will show up with the frame of your…