You are currently viewing Industrial Doodle

I mentioned yesterday that the title page drawing in my new book was showing through slightly on the following page. However, looking at it today, it didn’t seem so bad after all, and perhaps it was due to the fact that the ink was still slightly damp – not wet enough to smudge but maybe just needing to dry out more thoroughly, particularly in the intensely black areas. Anyway, when I did my drawing today, there was no trace of anything showing through, either on the new page, or on the previous one, so I think my fears were unfounded, and the description online was accurate ater all.

Industrial doodle

It’s really odd how these doodles kind of make themselves. You can start off with an idea, vague or otherwise, of what you are going to draw, but once you get started, it seems to take on a life of its own and you can end up with something completely different from what you initially planned to draw!

In this case I did decide from the outset that it was going to be more geometric and based on squares, rather than flowing lines or circular motifs. However, as I worked outwards from the initial starting point, I decided to make it less completely abstract and introduce some industrial features into it. It’s not as good as I would have liked but I am sure I shall improve with practice, and watching more online tutorials too.

I shall probably explore this style further in due course. It would be really fun to invent some weird and wacky machines with lots of gears and steam and obscure electrical fittings – the purpose of which would be left entirely to the imagination! Heath Robinson, eat your heart out…

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Elly

    Love your quirky artwork and can always tell it’s yours as you have a distinct style!

    Enjoy your new drawing book. Quality stationery from its texture, thickness, colour and smell, is always a sensory delight. I swear the pleasure centres in my brain light up like a Christmas tree in paperchase. Maybe less so now as their range seems to have shrunk over the past couple of years.

    I do enjoy new stationery and pens, inks, watercolours….

    Unlike you, I don’t create so many lovely artworks and end up abusing their loveliness with scribbled notes and lists…

    Then I *need* a new one!

    Keep your creative spirit alive; creatives are few and far between.

  2. Shoshi

    Thank you for your latest spiffing comment, Elly! They are always most welcome, with such kind words! I’m so glad you are enjoying my quirky drawings. You are also very reassuring because I’ve always thought I didn’t really have a distinctive style and have wondered how to get one… I am with you 100 percent on the subject of stationery. From the earliest age I have always loved it and when I was in primary school I felt very honoured and thrilled to be appointed Stationery Monitor! I always have to sniff new books, and I adore pens and crayons and notebooks and everything. I have a couple of absolutely beautiful blank paged notebooks with stunning hard covers that I’ve had for years and have never dared write or draw in them in case I ruin them! I also have several paper stacks that I bought at various craft shows and have never used them (again in case I ruin them, and once used, they are gone – how silly is that?) – every now and then I get them out and stroke them! I think I’m a bit of a paper nut really.

    Anyway, so nice to see you on my blog!
    Shoshi x

  3. Elly

    Sniffing … always! New books should always be opened roughly midway and given a good long sniff!

    1. Shoshi

      Lol! A fellow sniffer!

      Keep your eyes peeled for my next drawing coming up in a day or two. I had great fun with this one! x

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