WOYW – What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday
WOYWW – What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday. I know we always say it, but goodness, another week has gone by! We are now moving towards the end of April. Frightening, isn’t it. There will soon be Christmas lights up.
So – what’s on my workdesk this Wednesday? On my lap desk (like last week) I have the embroidered felt flowers for my slippers. The flowers are now complete. I hope I’ve done enough!

I have made a total of 24 and each one is different. During this process I’ve learned a new stitch – bullion kots. I wonder if you can spot the flower with them on it? They are a bit lumpy. The next step is to make the leaves, and then I can start attaching them to the slippers – something I know you’ve all been waiting for!
Most of my time this week seems to have been taken up with working on my new WordPress site. If you visited me last week, you will notice a difference in the blog layout. I think I’ve got it as I want it now. My main problems have been to do with setting up a static home page, and also major problems with logging on. I’ve been on the Bluehost online chat and I must say their agents are great – very helpful and friendly, and willing to take any amount of time to try and sort things out. The upshot is that they think there’s a problem with our network here because I can’t log on, but our lovely neighbour has very kindly given me her password and I can use her network – she’s only just across the road and the signal is strong. Immediately after logging on, I can go back to our network, until I’m timed out again on WordPress.
Our ISP (Sky) says there’s nothing wrong with our connection and there’s nothing they can do, and I should go back to Bluehost. I do get irritated when dealing with companies that shunt you between pillar and post. I have now found a forum online which may have the answer. It appears that my security plugin may be a little bit too efficient. I am going to have to spend some time trying to find out which part of it is causing the problem, and not knowing anything about computer code, this may not be easy.
Wisdom tooth – scroll down quickly if you don’t want to read this!!
As I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve had some problems with my teeth lately. Yesterday morning I had my troublesome wisdom tooth extracted. I think I was in there for about three quarters of an hour all told – my appointment was at 9.15 a.m. and it was getting on for 10 a.m. by the time we left.
The whole experience was quite ghastly but I’m really glad it’s over and done with now. It was hard to get out because one of the roots was hooked at the end! The poor tooth was obviously hanging on for dear life and didn’t want to part from me. The dentist, our regular dentist’s colleague, and her nurse, were both kindness itself and were so encouraging, and helped me through it all. At one point she offered to stop and arrange for me to come again and have sedation but by that stage I just wanted it over and done with, so we pressed on! Afterwards they both said how brave I’d been, but I didn’t feel brave at all. A soggy weepy heap is more like it!
I’ve got to be careful with it for a few days and resist the urge to interfere with it. Apparently there’s a danger of disturbing the blood clot which is an important part of the healing process. From today I’ve got to do regular warm salt water mouth washes so it all stays nice and clean, and she’s told me what to do if it starts bleeding. For the rest of the day yesterday it was fine, so I don’t think that will happen. I’m subsisting on thick soup, yoghurt and fruit fool at the moment! I am also taking maximum dose pain killers. My jaw is very sore when they wear off, but I suppose that’s to be expected.
So Shoshi is a toothless wonder – at least partially. And she’s now only 3/4 wise. I just hope the other 3 wisdom teeth can stay put or I shall turn into the village idiot.
Sorry if this is all TMI, folks.
New loo
At the beginning of next week the plumber is coming to fit our new downstairs loo. I am looking forward to having that done. I had hoped that our handyman neighbour would come in and decorate it for us afterwards but it appears he has retired! He does have a lot of very useful contacts, though, and his recommendations for different trades have always been good, and that will continue.
This week I discovered damp in the pantry again… It’s not on the floor, but there seems to be water coming down the angle of the old chimney breast again. I’ve got to get the roofer to come and have a look. I think it may be the flashing around the chimney where it meets the roof, and this could have been the source of the problem before. At least there’s no dry rot under the floorboards any more but we don’t want the return of that!
There’s always something with old houses, isn’t there.
Finally, my regular cat funny.

Have a great week, everybody.
Ooh, you are a tease with those flowers. I do hope you get the leaves finished soon and then we can see the slippers decorated. I think they are gong to look something very very special.
Sorry to hear about your tooth. That is just what happened to me – a hooked tooth! Well my dentist actually said she had never in all her 20 years of dentistry seen a tooth with such a long root – then Katy (nurse) pointed out that it was hooked also. So I do know a little of what you went through and good to know I am not the only quivering wreck – trouble is I have a couple of loose teeth that need to be out when this anaemia problem settles.
Hope you get the house and blog problems sorted soon, must be so frustrating.
Hugs, Neet 18 xx
Hi Shoshi, you are absolutely right, theres always something with old houses! I have a total phobia of dentists, thanks to an awful school dentist experience! Good job with the flowers. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X
Oh bless you. You have my full sympathy with your tooth extraction. The last time I had to have a tooth out by the time the dentist had finished I had tears running down my face from the experience. I really hope yours heals well and eating returns to normal for you. I love all the little flowers….bullion stitch?…is it the turquoise one on the second row?
Annie x #10
Hi again Shoshi, can you change the colour of the POST COMMENT at all? I looked for it for ages, but it doesn’t show up with the black box until you actually hover over it. Before that, it’s white, and sort of blends into the background. X
You won’t find enough room on your slippers for that many flowers LOL! They look adorable and I’m impressed how you managed to make them all different! I bet you’re relieved that the wisdom tooth is gone. You did well hanging onto it so long. I lost two of mine in my teens – they were compacted on one side and had to be cut out. I’ll spare you the details, but it sounds a lot like the torture you went through. I couldn’t eat properly for a week!
You know, I couldn’t post my comment at first, as I couldn’t find the button. I expect some other people will have problems with this too. The POST COMMENT button is invisible until you hover over it. It is located just under the SAVE MY NAME, EMAIL AND WEBSITE line, in case someone’s reading this and wondering how to post.
The flowers are so pretty Shoshi. I couldn’t spot a lumpy one so You have obviously got the hang of bullion knots. Hope your mouth settles down soon – not a pleasant experience at all. Happy WOYWW and meow to Lily and Ruby. Sarah #6
Happy WOYWW. Lovely flowers. I spent ages trying to spot the one with the new stitch, but there were several possibilities! Glad that the wisdom tooth is out, and hope that it all heals promptly. Another reason why I want to avoid having any of mine removed, is that I would probably need to take codeine again for pain relief afterwards – and after going ‘cold turkey’ to come off it, I don’t want to do that. Your issue with logging on to WP sounds really annoying. I haven’t done anything about transferring my blog over to WP yet. I have a business blog post to finish today, but will perhaps have some ‘screen time’ later to have a look (I try not to use my phone, iPad or laptop after 8 pm at night). Ali x #25
Those flowers are delightful, I must have missed them last week as I was in and out of blogland then out trying to get jobs done inside and outside and exactly as you say the week just disappears. Horrid to hear about your tooth, my Daughter has been suffering with two wisdom teeth, one infection after another & now a mouth full of ulcers, I think if she could pull them out herself she would … she’s on antibio’s at the moment and back at the dentist again next week. Hope you heal very soon, no poking it and disturbing that clot now!!
I smiled when you wrote about your Downstairs loo, we have had one for around 18 years now and I hated the thought of it as we were having a new large porch built, I wanted the area as a study but 18 years on i’m so happy I was over ruled,… as we get older our bladder waits for no one hee hee!!
Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #5
P.S Funny #Funny :))
I came back to check out the new button! Yep, it’s right there – much easier to find! Love that purple!
Hi Shoshi, Glad you have found a way round your connection.
Glad your wisdom tooth is out. If the blood clot comes out, you could get Dry Socket and believe me you don’t want that pain. I actually had the little doctor at the hospital with one knee on my chest trying to get one of my wisdom teeth out. She drilled so much, she said she was at risk of breaking my jaw.
Hope you get the loo and damp sorted.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #8
I fully understand the trauma of wisdom tooth extraction, i had two taken out by student dentists – not to be recommended! The bruising and damage to the tendons of my jaw had to be seen to be believed – it healed nicely though in the end. I do love your flowers as I think I said last week. I look forward to seeing the slippers when they are complete. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW and have a great week, with love and God Bless, Caro x (#20)
Glad the troublesome tooth has gone, that doesn’t sound too long for what they did, at all… not that I envy you sitting there of course! Boo to the damp coming back, hope you can get that sorted soon. Have a great week – thanks for visiting, and I think your suggestion for the wording on the page is a great idea! Helen #1
Oh crikey, what a horrible time you’ve been having with your poor teeth – I ‘m glad the culprit is finally out and good luck with the healing, it sounds like plain sailing from now on. I am loving your little flowers they are so beautiful, I hope you have room for them all on your slippers – I’m looking forward to seeing them finished. Hope you have a great week (and a less eventful one),
Diana x #21
I had a bit of a look trying to find where to comment but I finally did.
Your felt flowers are fabulous! I hope you share pics of your slippers!
Hope the loo goes in without problems and you get the leak taken care of! Wow!
And I hope you have no problems with the extraction area. All 4 of my wisdom teeth were removed 40 years ago as my mouth wasn’t big enough. Three of them required surgery to remove.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great week!
Carol n #27
I am still really looking forward to the completed slippers. The flowers are beautiful, so varied too. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #26
Eeckkk… I have no problem with dentists at all but getting a wisdoom tooth out is not nice, good for you for pushing through it and getting it done and over with… good luck with the healing (take it easy!) YOur blog looks lovely now and YAY, I can see all the photos! Hope you get the problems tackled. Have a lovely week dear Soshi, thanks for stopping by yesterday. Happy ~belated~ woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #3
The little flowers are so sweet. I had to grin at the cat, very funny. When I go to my friend’s house her cat does that and I feel guilty making him move so that I can go home! Happy belated woyww, Angela x21x
Hi Shoshi. Yup had three of my four wisdom teeth out. Fourth okay. Three bad extractions, one growing across roof of mouth, one over sinus hole had to have flap from cheek to cover hole to sinus. Last was ordinary molar that took an hour and three quarters in chair from woe to go, drill cut drill cut.. curvaceous roots… and right about blood clot. I had dry socket infection from trauma of that extraction because of clot issues.
Been to dentist three times in three weeks, toothache Wed night Thursday (holiday here predictably) saw him yest. Still not great as he had to cut away some gum to do filling properly. It still has to come out but too unwell plus SCC hour surgery next Wednesday.
Awesome flowers …mmm, is it the orange on on far left, think it’s second row or the third can’t recall now. I’ve done bullion roses and other stitches too. Used to do fair bit of embroidery.
Glad re computer issues.
Lord bless Shoshi,
{Wonderful Words of Life – Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards – Shaz in Oz}
Love all the flowers, look forward to seeing the slippers but we all seem to be saying that!!!
Interesting info about Sky…. we thought they were the best providers but the internet (ergo the tv) is very intermittent. ….. drives us round the bend but I think that we have been with all the other providers and this is better (just!)
Have a good weekend
Christine (just sneaking in ) #35
Hi Shoshi!
Sorry I’ve been remiss and getting to your blog. I have missed you and think of you often. Thanks for the stop-by this week. Lovely flowers. Good lap project for sure. Sorry about the internet issues but that you are finding fixes. Some companies just can’t be bothered. irritating. Yay on a new bathroom. Hope the pantry fix isn’t too expensive. Takes away from play money 😉 Hugs and Creative Blessings! Kelly #30