Completion of the Online Art Course

COMPLETION OF THE ONLINE ART COURSE It is hard to believe, but I have now completed the online art course, DrawAwesome. I began in November last year, after seeing our teacher Phil's ad on YouTube. I do not regularly respond to YouTube ads but there was something that piqued my interest about this…


Send In the Cones

SEND IN THE CONES Caroline, one of my pals on the ArtKula art forum, has gained quite a reputation for her famous watercolour sketches of wheelie bins and traffic cones. She loves painting ordinary things, and it has become quite a joke between us. She reported recently that she'd been out painting on…


Online Art Course – Forest Animals on Grey Paper

ONLINE ART COURSE - FOREST ANIMALS ON GREY PAPER For the second project in this final module of the course, we had to draw three different animals, using different mixed media for each. It was quite an interesting challenge, and I was quite pleased with my first two drawings but less satisfied with…