Issues relating to myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.)
HEALTH UPDATE - PRE-ASSESSMENT APPOINTMENT Today I attended the hospital in Exeter again, for the pre-assessment appointment with the anaesthetist, prior to my parastomal hernia repair and proctectomy. I saw the new consultant colorectal surgeon (No. 3 since being referred to Exeter from Torbay back in 2018) in August of last year and…
2024 GENERAL REVIEW As stated in the previous two posts, I have had to separate my annual end-of-year review into separate posts or the whole thing would be impossibly long! As it is, both the Art Course review and the general art review are pretty long. I'm hoping this post won't be so…
Today is my 71st birthday (eek... I haven't even managed to get my head around being 70 yet!). The day started badly with my waking up at 7.00 a.m. so I thought I'd get up, but I'd only started to get ready when I felt so tired and in need of more sleep…
3-D MANDALA - METAL WITH PINK GEMSTONES, A NEW DRAWING TOOL, AND A HEALTH UPDATE 3-D Mandala Background First of all, I am not involved in any way with the spiritual aspects of mandalas. I just enjoy drawing them as an art concept. The way one builds up concentric circles with different patterns…
ONLINE ART COURSE - SELF-DIRECTED CHALLENGE, MY FIRST CATARACT OPERATION, AND NEW LAPTOP NEWS Online art course - another still-life graphite drawing The final project in the first module, graphite, is a self-directed challenge, i.e. making a drawing without any help from the teacher. The video gives some hints, and several choices. You…
PRAYER BIBLE I had never heard of a Prayer Bible until a video came up in my YouTube feed from The Sisterita Club. This delightful lady has made a series of videos on how to create this useful tool. Making my Prayer Bible A little background My prayer life has been somewhat in…
ALTERED BOOK: "THE JOURNEY" - PAGE 2: FRANCE 1 Today I began the next page in my altered book. I didn't get very far because I spent the earlier part of the afternoon doing some organising - sorting through a lot of my background papers (gel prints, printables etc.) and ephemera, and filing…
A quick update with some recent photos which I haven't been able to share for the past few weeks, given that I was too busy posting about my various studio-based activities. Flowers My hubby has outdone himself again this year with bedding plants for our troughs and tubs in the patio, to make…
Cooking I made a batch of Jamie Oliver's Scuffy Aubergine Lasagne today. This is a favourite recipe. It's "scruffy" because you just break up the pieces of lasagne and chuck them in - no faffing about with layering or anything! It also has everything in it so it's a really good meal just…
Napkins from Lithuania A few days ago I received the final (I think! - I ordered so many it's hard to keep track!) of my packs of rice paper and napkins. I knew there was a delay on this one because it was coming from overseas, but I hadn't realised it was coming…