My medical problems and their investigation and treatment
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Oh joy, back in my newly revamped studio and actually making some ART!!! I can't tell you how good this feels. However, my studio is now a MESS again - it didn't take long, did it - but at least this is "working" mess as opposed to…
In addition to the Pakistani Art Style Thank You card I made this week for the surgeon who performed my cancer surgery, I also wanted to make a card to thank the nurses at the Breast Unit for their kindness and support. My cousin is also about to celebrate her birthday, and as…
This is a special card I have made for my surgeon, who recently performed my breast cancer operation, to express my gratitude for his skill and kindness, and for dealing with it so promptly. Initially I made a sketch with coloured pencils to use as a guide. How I made the card I…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Pakistani Art Yesterday while I was relaxing on the recliner, I began the design for quite an ambitious thank you card that I want to make for Mr. Memon, the surgeon who operated on me last Friday to remove my breast lump. I researched both his names…
I am not sure how many blogs I will be able to visit this week as I won't have much time, during the final run-up to my operation on Friday. Edit: Well, I managed it! I visited everybody! (Thursday night.) Everything is now all set for tomorrow's Great Adventure. What's On Your Workdesk…
What's On Yur Workdesk this Wednesday? First of all, apologies for my appalling showing on WOYWW last week - it's been such a busy week and I simply didn't have time or energy to get round to visiting everyone. I will try and scroll back when I visit this week, so that I…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? The Grand Clear Up Continues In the far corner (the sewing area, to the right of the display area), I have now cleared the top shelf and put some display items out. I've also put some of my pictures up on the main display area. The lower…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Well, wonders will never cease! You will not believe this, but Shoshi has been Tidying Up. An amazing and exciting gift Last week, I had the most amazing and generous offer from our own Cindy, who has also been having a clear-out. She told us about her…
Health update First of all, thank you, everyone who spotted my additional post this week, sharing the news of my cancer diagnosis, and for your good wishes. That post, just prior to this one, gives details, and I have also added a new cancer diary page to my blog (tab under main header).…
Today I attended the breast unit at the hospital to hear the results of my recent biopsy. I had been told at the time that the mammogram and ultrasound scan seemed to indicate that the lump was a fat necrosis - a benign lump usually the result of an injury, although I couldn't…