My medical problems and their investigation and treatment
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Persian Tiles throw I'm making steady progress on the Persian Tiles throw, with a couple more tiles completed. They are quite large, and take some time to do. There is plenty of variety in each one, with different stitches, and a colour change with each round, so…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Kitty Throw follow-up Yes, that's what I said, Kitty Throw follow-up, not kitty throw-up! Well, surprise, surprise - my hubby loves his present! I'm currently working on a video slideshow of the whole project, which will include a video clip of his initial reaction, after I'd led…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Kitty throw A milestone! I felt really chuffed as I joined in the final square at the bottom right of the blanket - the one with our initials in a heart. Imagine a fanfare. All the squares are now joined, and the blanket itself is complete. I…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? The kitty throw is growing! Five columns of squares joined. Six columns joined. Seven columns joined. It is now getting pretty big and heavy to work on! The only time I can work on it is when my hubby is out for a good length of time,…
What's On You Workdesk this Wednesday? Kitty Throw Still working on the cat blanket. It's coming on fine. I have been sewing embellishments onto squares most of the week, quickly hiding them away when I hear my hubby coming! They are now all sewn on. Here are some of the ones from the…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Don't worry, the week hasn't been as bad or exciting as this blog post's title might suggest. Actually it's been quite dull and I haven't got as much to report as usual, as it's been quite a quiet week apart from usual busy-ness in the kitchen, and…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Working on the cat throw. I decided to join the first column of squares, just to see how it went. I discovered a lovely pattern online for crocheting squares together; I really didn't want to sew them, and I thought a more decorative joining might be fun,…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? 1. Kitty Throw Great progress on the kitty throw this week. I've completed my 80 crochet squares! I just had to finish the embroidery on the cat stitch squares before going on to the next step. I wanted the cats formed by the cat stitch to have…
Shaz We are all devastated to hear the news that we have lost our beloved Shaz (Silverwolf) this week. Here she is with her wonderful husband and soul-mate Doug, sitting with my hubby on the day they visited us back in February 2015 just before I was due to undergo my own cancer…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? This week I continued working away at my kitty squares. I'm glad I decided to make a round number of 6 of the difficult ones. I've got a bit faster at doing them but constantly make mistakes and have to undo it. The final one, which I…