You are currently viewing WOYWW 623 Borderline Blanket, Kitty Attack, Non-Pants Pants, and Shoshi’s all Souped Up

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

Kitty throw

A milestone! I felt really chuffed as I joined in the final square at the bottom right of the blanket – the one with our initials in a heart. Imagine a fanfare.

All the squares are now joined, and the blanket itself is complete.

I have now begun on the border. I spent some time online looking for a suitable one, and found this one which I really liked.

The pattern can be found here. It comes complete with a video tutorial on YouTube which I am following along with.

I didn’t want a lacy or scalloped border for this blanket because it’s quite masculine with its bold monochrome look and solid squares.

This is how much I’ve done so far – there are ten rounds altogether and I’m only on round 2. The blanket is so large that it takes quite a long time to go all around it. It also uses a lot of wool! A good thing that my latest order of wool came so quickly.

According to the instructions, I am working the double crochets (single crochets for US readers) only into the back loops of the stitches on the previous row, which gives the raised line of front loops. These will be worked into on subsequent rows. The particular method I used to join the squares of this blanket meant that there were chain loops all around the outside, so my first (foundation) row of the border had to be worked into these – I worked 2 double crochets into each chain loop, and I quite like the effect that has resulted from this, which is not on the original pattern. It adds a bit of interest to the border, I think.

Purple Circles jumper

Another milestone – I’ve now completed the second sleeve, which means that the knitting is now finished. Because this project was knitted up from a previous one which I unravelled, and which was a very different shape and size, I ran out of prepared multi-coloured yarn balls to complete it. I made up a small ball of purple yarns, using my little cone winder, and what came out was so pretty that I just had to photograph it.

I ran out of the yellow just before the end, so I didn’t bother to make a fresh ball, but just worked a few short lengths of a couple of different shades of yellow to complete the sleeve. I had already put the balls/cones of the three colours required for the cuff in my knitting bag so it was a simple matter to knit this to match the other one.

All that is required now is a final blocking and then making up. I should be able to show you the finished jumper next week.

Persian Tiles throw

I can now start on the Persian Tiles throw, which I will be able to work on when my hubby is around, and not have to worry about hiding! I’ve been gathering materials to begin this exciting project, and I can’t wait to start.  Ages ago I did a drawing indicating the colours I would be using, and I have spent hours and hours trying to find it, which was extremely tedious. Eventually I remembered that I had photographed it to put on my blog, so I have printed this out for easy reference. Phew. I certainly didn’t want to have to do it again.


More snuggling up together. They really do love each other. They had a little spat the other day and as usual Lily swore at Ruby – Ruby does wind her up sometimes! I ticked them off and told them to kiss and make up, which they soon did! Their little disagreements don’t last for long.

The other day Lily decided to be a trolley dolly again. They used to go on my upstairs trolley a lot when they first started going outside. The excitement of the great outdoors wore them out completely and they would jump up onto the trolley together and crash out asleep, with various legs and tails dangling over the edges. Then, as is the way with cats, this suddenly became their least favourite place to go and they abandoned it completely!

Lily again, relaxing on my lap. I wish you could feel how incredibly soft her fur is. She’s much softer than Ruby.

Just before this, she was trying to chew the cable of my interchangeable circular knitting needles, but I wasn’t too worried about this, because when I was researching which brand of these interchangeable needles to get, one lady reported that this set was the best, not least because it had the only cables that survived her cat chewing them! Tested by kitties / survived = best on the market! What better basis on which to choose a set of knitting needles?

When I had added the final square to the kitty throw, and laid it over my hubby’s chair in order to photograph it, Ruby immediately jumped up and made it her own. Not content with that, she became fascinated by one of the little detached tails and started attacking it!

Then she proceeded to bite it.

I can see I’m going to have to watch this! I shan’t mind them going on there, but I won’t be very happy if they pull it to bits!


After a couple of weeks of marathon cooking sessions to feed the ravenous freezer, it’s pretty well stocked now, so all I had to make this week was:

Tomato soup

This was Recipe of the Week back in September of last year. This soup, and Saddam Hussein soup (spiced Iraqi soup) are the only ones I make that I don’t liquidise. The tomato soup is very chunky, with the addition of baby corn, red beans and various other ingredients. The original recipe contained bacon, and in order to get that smoky taste, I used smoked paprika instead. It’s really delicious.

I have made other bits and pieces of course, but this was the only bulk item. I’m pleased about that, because it means I’ve got more time this week to crack on with the kitty throw and try and finish it by my hubby’s birthday on 19th May. I got all the cooking done yesterday in anticipation of having a free day today in the absence of my hubby – he said he was going to be out all day, but last night he announced he’d got a Zoom meeting at 10.30 and then he’d go out, and said that he would probably be home much earlier than kitty feeding time. Duh. I can’t work on it if he’s going to be in and out! I shall just have to start work on his birthday card instead.

Our garden

No new pictures this week, but I said to my hubby how much I’d like us to have a plum tree, after reading on someone’s blog recently that they had one (sorry, can’t remember who it was). We discussed where we might put it – the garden isn’t very large, and we don’t want to break the line of sight too much, but he suggested removing one fairly large bush near the top of the steps and putting it in there. It seems an ideal spot, getting plenty of sun. I don’t know what the bush is – it has rather tatty-looking yellow flowers, and in spite of giving a bit of colour, it won’t be hard to lose it as it’s nothing very special.

The plum tree is on order and we heard yesterday that it’s on its way. Apparently it’s OK to plant it now, which surprised me as I thought fruit trees were usually planted in the autumn. It will probably take several years for it to start producing fruit of any great quantity. Photos will follow.

Because the place we have chosen is away from the garage, it will be safe for the kitties to climb if they want to. We can’t allow them to climb the apple tree because they could escape onto the road via the garage roof, so we’ve got a kind of mesh collar attached around the tree trunk to prevent them climbing it. Kitties do like climbing trees – I just hope they don’t like plums.

Health update

Many thanks to everyone for their very kind words of support and especially for your prayers after my news last week that I’d found a lump in my breast.

I did an eConsult on the surgery’s website on the Tuesday (the day I found the lump) and they phoned me back the same day to make an appointment. If my hubby hadn’t been out all day last Wednesday, they would have seen me then, but as it was, we went down on the Thursday, and saw the nurse practitioner. She was really lovely – very friendly and kind – my hubby had had some dealings with her recently and was pleased when I told him who I’d be seeing – he said I would like her, and I did. We all had quite a laugh together too.

She examined both breasts and also felt for any swelling of my underarm lymph glands. She could feel the lump and said it felt “odd,” but reassured me that I was not showing any of the danger signs that could indicate cancer: dimpling of the skin, nipple discharge, redness or rash, or swollen lymph glands. She said that it should definitely be checked out, though, and promised to do the referral straight away, and that I should get an appointment within a fortnight.

I got a letter from the breast unit on Saturday, which is pretty quick. Here in Torbay, at least, they are still fast-tracking suspected cancer. There was a poster up in the surgery waiting room to that effect. I would hate to become a Covid statistic… My appointment is on Thursday 20th (a week tomorrow) at 9.10 a.m. They tell me that it will take all morning, in order for them to complete all the necessary investigations. They will probably do a mammogram and possibly a biopsy. My hubby has another appointment that morning, so he is going to drop me off, and I shall ring him when I’m ready for him to pick me up.

I am not worried at all, but feel very much at peace about this. With my head, I know that most breast lumps are benign, but it goes deeper than that – I feel a deep peace in my heart that I know from experience can only come from the Lord Jesus. I know that if it does turn out to be cancer, whatever happens I am in His hands and that all will be well. Obviously I would prefer it to be benign though!

I said to the nurse that if it was cancer, I was very reluctant to lose my hair – I showed her my plait (which she said was “magnificent”!) and told her it had taken me several years to grow it that long and was determined to keep it! She said that nowadays there are several different options and not all chemotherapy causes hair loss, which is reassuring. The chemo I had for my colon cancer was one of these – it was the same one that Shaz (Silverwolf) had, and we all know that she kept her beautiful multi-coloured hair throughout! Anyway, I’m not going to worry too much about that and get ahead of myself. I’m taking things a day at a time and I’m really not worried.

Of course I will let you know how I get on when the time comes. Meantime, I value your continued thoughts and prayers and appreciate them very much indeed.

Pants – not pants this time!

It’s Pants time again! Yesterday my new hernia support pants arrived. It’s several weeks since the lady came to do my fitting and it takes them a bit of time to make them. Anybody who has been following my antics for any length of time will understand the trepidation I felt when I opened the parcel – would they fit? I’ve had terrible problems in the past with this company not following the instructions of the fitting lady, and sending me pants that wildly didn’t fit, sometimes cutting right across my stoma bag! This is a bespoke service manufacturing a specialist garment (each pair is extremely expensive) – they have to provide adequate support while still allowing the stoma to function properly – and on one occasion when I phoned the manager because they failed to make them fit after two attempts, she told me that the seamstress had said, “Can’t she pull them up further?” Unbelievable… Her attitude was total…PANTS!! Anyway, I am sure you will share in my relief that this time they fit perfectly and the pants are not pants!

I’m allowed three pairs free on prescription per year, but I didn’t have any last year because of the lockdown and not being able to have a fitting. After a while they do lose their stretch and stop working so well. They had got pretty unsupportive after 15+ months (can’t remember exactly when I got them) and the new ones feel extremely tight to get on! It is really important to have the correct support, especially now that I am on this indefinite waiting list for hernia repair and the area is very loose and unstable, and slowly getting worse. The pants really do help.

Have a great week, everybody.


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. LLJ

    I missed so many desks last week because life went crazy, but wow, what a leap in progress with the blanket and the jumper, both look amazing (and so neat!). I agree with you about borders, they eat up the wool and seem to take ages but are well worth the effort, bit like framing a picture. I haven’t had a go at crocheting into the back loops, will give it a try!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  2. Angela Radford

    No wonder you feel chuffed that has been a long job but how gorgeous it is. Loving the jumper too and the kitty pics they are so sweet. Sending lots of WOYWW hugs, Angela x17x

  3. Lynn Holland

    Oh my goodness I gasped in horror when I saw kitty pulling at your beautiful blanket. We will have none of that I said out loud haha.
    I’m glad that you are getting quick appointments at the docs and hospital. Fingers and toes crossed that all will be well.
    I’m off now to make tomato soup as yours looks delicious Shoshi.
    I will be sending good vibes your way. See you next week.
    Lynn xx 13

  4. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    The kitty throw looks magnificent! Well, we all knew the kitties were going to claim it. Were you not cringing when Ruby was clawing at it? Lily looks cute on the trolley! Good to hear that they fast tracked your appointment – I had a scare too a couple of years ago following my first ever mammogram – I got a letter that they wanted to see me that week! It was scary, but it turned out to be ok, they couldn’t find anything. I hope it will be the same for you! xx Take care Shoshi! xx zsuzsa #22

  5. Helen Lindfield

    I love the blanket, and good luck with the border – that will take a bit of doing! Glad you got on ok with the nurse and that you are being seen so quickly, hope a s you say it turns out to be nothing concerning. It is good that you are feeling so calm about it. Take care and happy WOYWW Helen #5

  6. Lynne

    Very impressive crochet and knitting Shoshi. I love your purple and yellow jumper and the cat throw is stunning. I like your colours for the Persian tiles blanket as well.
    My cats all get hissed at if they chew or play with wool. I’ve read reports of cats choking on yarn and having to have surgery. The hissing seems to make good conditioning.
    I wonder which interchangeable needles you’re getting? I’ve tried a lot of the knitpro ones. The rosewood ones delaminate after a while but I like the zing ones.
    Fingers crossed for your mammogram etc
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 3

  7. Neet Hickson

    Thank goodness for one thing – the pants! At long last you have some that are right. Gosh this has gone on for such a long time, I bet you are relieved.
    So sorry about the lump you found but at least you were seen quickly and will be seen and investigated in a week’s time. Try not to worry, think of that delightful blanket you have been making and the design of the next one you are starting. Fill your head with all nice things and hopefully the week will go by quickly.
    What about that throw? It is beautiful and still not really finished. I love the little heart in one square, what a lovely touch. It really is a thing of beauty. What went through my mind was that it will last for years and years to come (providing Ruby stops thinking it is hers LOL) and some day it will be a real talking point amongst people who do not know how or why it was made. Is there somewhere you can attach something with some information on? Just wondering.
    I once made a flag for my Ranger Guide Unit along with a friend in the movement. We had to make two identical flags so that they could be sewn together. I remember Audrey saying we should write something on a piece of paper and it was sewn between the two sides. I think it was just our names and the dates or something like that but in years to come, hopefully it will still be there.
    Love the kitty photos as always, and enjoy listening to how they have spats and make up and then just love one another. So sweet.
    Do take care, will keep you in prayer
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  8. Mary Anne

    The blanket is amazing, I love the border you have chosen, and I am glad to hear the appointment has been sorted so quickly. I am going to check out the soup once my internet get better.

    being brief, with still sluggish internet
    Mary Anne (2)

  9. Sarah Brennan

    SO glad to hear that the pants saga has not been repeated this year Shoshi and that you have received a quick follow up appointment at the hospital. The throw is beautiful – I did smile when I saw that it has already been road tested by Ruby though. I hope they don’t get jealous of all the new cats in the house. Hope the plum tree produces plenty of fruit for you once it is in place and has time to settle in. Lily looks as if she wants to ride the trolley down the stairs. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  10. Julia

    OOh Shoshi, it’s looking grand, and I really like the border you’ve chosen. Have to admit to a bit of horror at seeing kitty playing with erm, kitty on it! I missed last week (I visit my mum on a Wednesday and sometimes I just can’t face much afterwards). So glad you’ve had a good and rapid response to finding the lump in your breast, I will most certainly be holding you in my thoughts whilst you have a morning of investigation. I love the idea of you barely finishing the kitty blanket and you’re already past planning the next one!

  11. Carolyn Staton

    The kitty throw is amazing – naughty Ruby! Love your photos of them and Lily really does look soft. Glad to hear that you have a nice fast appointment and I will continue to pray for you. Happy WOYWW (a day late!). Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#19)

  12. Diana Taylor

    The throw is looking fabulous and I felt a pang of anxiety when I saw Ruby on it. I bet those little extras you crocheted onto the kitties will delight and entertain your two when the throw is officially in use! I have loved that jumper since I first saw it on your blog a long time ago and I’m so pleased you’ve finished it – hope you are going to model it for us! Good luck with the follow up appointment, it good to know the nurse, with all her experience is sounding confident about it.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #16

  13. Angela

    Your blanket is looking lovely. I guess the kitties were bound to be attracted to it. Your faith in Jesus is wonderful and I am so glad you feel peace about it – still praying for you xx. Angela #10

  14. Angela

    Back again Shoshi. I would love to know what you have been watching on YouTube xx

  15. Lindart

    Hi Shoshi! I showed the throw to my hubby and he was quite impressed! I am too, I’m sure your hubby will treasure it! Good luck with your mammogram, hopefully everything will be fine. The soup looks delicious! Hugs for the kitties, thanks for your visit, and have a great week! Lindart #29

  16. Lisa Jane Johnson

    Good grief, I hope hubby realises how much has gone into this blanket for him and that the fur babies don’t take their jealousy out on it! Keeping everything crossed for next week. Sorry I’m so late getting around but I fell ill Wednesday afternoon and I’m only just coming out the other side. Stay safe and keeping smiling, Lisa-Jane #4

  17. Lilian B #14

    What a lovely blanket well done great job, Those cats are are a pair up to mischief
    Hope all goes well with your appointment, Sending healing vibes,

  18. Heather Marshall

    Hi Shoshi, sorry for the late visit! I returned at the right time- to see the almost finished kitty throw. It really is quite lovely. I’m not up to creating anything so large yet, but give me few years! Your initials in a heart make it extra special! I wasn’t surprised to see it had already been claimed by the kitties – but I really hope they do not start destroying it, after all your hard work! The border you have chosen looks great- I’ll be sure to check the you tube video (I’m not brilliant at following patterns- but I manage to follow you tube ok). I look forward to following the progress on the Persian Tiles throw. We’ve recently bought two cherry trees – I thought I had bought one cherry and one plum, but we must have picked up the wrong one. We didn’t notice until after we had planted them …. oh well, plenty of cherries for crumbles and jam! I’m glad to hear you have finally got your pants – what a saga! I would probably start on next year’s prescription now to be sure of getting them on time! Fingers crossed the lump is benign. It’s good that they still have a fast track system in place. I, too, tend not to worry about things anymore, and that in itself, I find quite calming. I will keep you in my prayers and hope all goes well at the follow up appointment. Take care Shoshi, hugs Heather xx #23

  19. Spyder

    I was sure I’d been! Sorry I’m so late! Bother, your blog doesn’t let me cheat and do a paste and copy! I aswered you on my blog by mistake then thought, I’ll just copy it and put it in here… computer sez no. blanket is looking fabulous! Love to swap if you have some spare! Have a great rest of the week, Stay safe Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #12

  20. elle

    I love love love your kitty blanket, I’m sure your husband will adore it. Ruby seems to be enjoying it too lol. I am very tempted to try one myself but the thought of 80 squares is a little daunting. I did make a huge granny square blanket once that had the same problem as yours, weight while you are making it, but at the same time, it kept me warm while I was making it too lol. Now one of the kitties hides underneath it and takes naps but also likes to chew on it which is less good. Lily is looking adorable too, what a sweet girl. Hope everything goes well for you this week. Elle #27

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