You are currently viewing WOYWW 622 Kitties Real and Crocheted, Fragile Falafels, Beautiful Blossoms and a Health Update

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

The kitty throw is growing!

Five columns of squares joined.

Six columns joined.

Seven columns joined.

It is now getting pretty big and heavy to work on! The only time I can work on it is when my hubby is out for a good length of time, or after he’s gone to bed. Much too big to hide in a hurry now.

This project is taking a lot more yarn than I originally anticipated. When I began, I was using up yarns in my stash, which I thought would see me through, but I quickly started to run out of the main colours and had to buy some more online. I found a brilliant site called Woolyknit based in the UK. They have British wool on cones (my preferred way of buying yarn), and I was happy to discover that they are an ethical company that does not buy wool from any source that employs mulesing, a very cruel practice which causes untold suffering to the sheep. I’ve had to order some more black, white and charcoal grey wool this week! I have probably got enough remaining to finish the project, but I like to have a good stock of these basic colours to hand.

Purple Circles jumper

Progress has been made on this, too. I have now started working the decreases on the second sleeve. With each one, the rows become shorter and faster to work. I think this will soon be finished!


Helping me with the kitty throw.

Togetherness in the sitting room.

“I do love my sister so!”


This week I made falafels.

Many years ago I had a brilliant falafels recipe that I got after we returned from our first visit to Israel in 1988. Just outside the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem (the most ornate of the gates, leading into the Old City), there was a falafel stand and we got our lunch there several times. It had the reputation of providing the best falafels in Jerusalem!

They were served in a half pitta with some salad and some spicy tomato sauce.

For some reason I can no longer find that recipe, which is a bore. I found one online and made some as per the above photo – I added almond flour rather than regular flour and the lack of gluten meant that they were very fragile and fell to bits very easily. I definitely need to refine this recipe or find some different ones.

The only pittas they had this week at Tesco that weren’t white, were these gluten free ones.

They looked really good made with whole grains, but they were a big disappointment – they fell apart very easily, like the falafels! Definitely not a success. I think I must try and make my own pittas, or at least try and find some nice wholewheat ones. For the second serving, I toasted the remaining two pittas and broke them up, and served them on a dish with the falafels and salad – deconstructed Damascus Gate falafels!!

Here is the spicy tomato sauce that I made. Easy peasy, delicious.

Here are the falafels, ready to eat.

Watch this space for developments in this meal. I’ll get it better, and then share some recipes!


It’s looking really good now. Here’s the Clematis montana a week on, in all its glory.

I don’t think it’s ever looked better.

The apple tree is now full of blossom, so we are hoping for another bumper crop this year. Last year we nearly disappeared under an avalanche of beautiful fruit! We are still eating it.

Quite a few of the blossoms blew off during Monday’s storm but we hope that we won’t lose too many. My hubby gets some help each year to prune it. We don’t know what variety the apples are, but they are quite the most delicious we’ve ever tasted. He likes eating them raw but I prefer them cooked. Sweet and full of flavour, and we never tire of them.

Flowers are coming out elsewhere in the garden, too, as the primroses are starting to wither (so sad – I love them so much!). On the rockery, the periwinkles are starting to bloom.

In the main herbaceous border there is a peony (at least, I think that’s what it is!) which has come out in glorious colour.

Health update

Still nothing on the Exeter front regarding my parastomal hernia repair, but then I am not expecting any news any time soon, since all elective surgery is effectively on hold, and I don’t see how the NHS can ever hope to catch up with the ever-increasing backlog. I have resigned myself to just living with the problem.

Not so resigned about another problem that has arisen, though. Yesterday morning when I was in the bathroom I noticed a slight dip in one of my breasts, and I felt around the area, and found a lump. My hubby went down to the GP’s surgery to make an appointment for me but for some crazy Covid-related reason, they are not allowed to make appointments over the desk and told him I had to phone the following morning at 8.30 a.m. This is the worst time of day because you end up in an interminable queue… They also gave me the option of an eConsult via their website, which I have now done (checkboxes, filling in a few details etc.) which resulted in a promise to phone me sometime today, and I expect I shall have to go in for an appointment so the GP can examine me and determine whether a hospital referral is necessary.

As you can imagine, I an far from eager to hop back on that cancer merry-go-round again, and thus far I am not allowing myself to become over-anxious about this – after all, many lumps are benign cysts. I had one once before, discovered on a mammogram and ruled out as non-cancerous after a biopsy. However, the sense of invulnerability that most people feel, who have never had cancer, disappears into thin air after one has once experienced it and it’s always in the back of one’s mind. The whole Covid scenario complicates matters, of course, and I do not want to end up as a statistic on that particular bandwagon.

Meantime, I shall plug on and enjoy life as usual, and hope for the best. At the end of the day, whatever the outcome, for me and for all those who have put their faith in the saving death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, in the words of Paul, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).  Again, in Philippians (4:13), “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Watch this space for further news.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Lynne

    Oh dear Shoshi. That’s scary. Clear your mind, breathe deeply and beam positive thoughts at yourself. I’m sending some to you too, they’re flying straight down the South coast.
    Your cat blanket is looking magnificent and I just love your bright end cheery purple circles jumper. It tempts me to get my knitting needles out myself!
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 17

  2. Lynne

    Me again, your peony is gorgeous! I have a special affinity with them, as you’ll see next month.

  3. Christine

    Love that cat blanket, going to read back and catch up with what you are doing.
    Its good to be ‘back’ although for how long I don’t know!
    Sorry to hear about your ‘find’, cling to those Scriptures girl, hold tight and fast.
    God Bless you both
    Christine #18

  4. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    Hi Shoshi, that kitty throw looks amazing – I can see what a huge project it is but you’re in the finishing line now and looks like the kitties have already taken possession. Ultimately, it will be theirs! Rube and Lilly look like Yin and Yang in those photos, so intertwined! I love falafels too – there used to be a place in Budapest just opposite the office I worked in so I went there frequently for take-aways. It was lovely with loads of salad and sauce but there was no civilised way of eating it! What’s with the unavailability of wholemeal bread? The other day I went to my local Waitrose and a guy picked up the last wholemeal bread (their basic range, the one that I like best) right in front of my eyes! So annoying! Now I’m without wholemeal bread! There was plenty of white ones left – why don’t they just make more of the wholemeal one if that’s what people want? I’m very picky about bread – I do eat white bread too but not just any. Anyway, first world problems, as they say, we shouldn’t complain. Your garden looks wonderful – I’ve ordered one of those Clematis Montana bushes inspired by your earlier post – I’m just not sure where to put it! I don’t think hubs will let me run it on the shed or the summer house (because then he can’t paint it) – I’ll must find a frame for it or something. I should have really thought of this before ordering it LOL! The peony looks lovely too – I might get some for my new flower bed now that I have more space. It’s scary finding a lump, but like you said it could be nothing, so no point worrying about it. I’m terrible at worrying about everyone and everthing – and really worrying doesn’t change anything, it just makes us miserable, so why do it? I hope they find the lump is benign, Shoshi, I really do. Try not to worry xx zsuzsa #20

  5. Carolyn Staton

    Your blanket is looking incredible and I just know your hubby will love it. Your real kitties are so cute together and you have taken some gorgeous and adorable photos this week. I love pittas with loads of salad and have them fairly regularly but rarely with Falafels – I must try that at some point. I am sorry to hear about your health scare – I hope you manage to get properly looked at asap. The sooner these things are dealt with the better so keep hassling them if needs be and do let us know how you get on. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  6. Angela Radford

    Garden looking nice and the kitties obviously like the new throw as they are testing it out right now. We’ve covered our damson tree up this year as it really suffered with the frost last year so we’ll see. The apple trees seem happy enough without it. The peony is beautiful, ours don’t flower yet. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x19x

  7. Neet Hickson

    Oh Shoshi I do hope that you are alright and that it is something quite simple that you have found in your breast. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Love the throw for y0ur husband, as it grows and grows – gosh, how many more rows? It looks quite large as it is now. It really is a thing of beauty and I am almost as chuffed as you must be each time I see it. I love cats.
    Your two – well, what can one say. The first photograph is adorable, not that they are not all, but the looks of contentment on their faces. I just loved seeing that one. Then when you showed the one where you said “I love my sister” – how many times does one see something like that? Not many I guess – true love between these two kitties. Must show it to my other half, he enjoys them almost as much as I do.
    The falafels – do they look good! Funnily enough I was reading a recipe for them only this morning and thinking of making some. Now I could just walk into your picture and eat some.
    Take care and prayers on the way
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  8. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi. Wow – that blanket is going to be HUGE! But so nearly there now – once your new supply of yarn arrives. The yellow sweater is getting done, too – obviously Julia’s idea of unfinished projects last year has continued in most of us!! Brilliant. Hope all goes well with Doctors re the lump you found, and you won’t be in suspense for long.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  9. Helen Lindfield

    the kitty throw is leaping ahead! I hope you have heard from the surgery and will be seen quickly toput your mind at rest. I shall be thinking of you. Great pics fromyour garden – and yes, it’s a peony. take care dear Shoshi. Helen#4

  10. Sarah Brennan

    Oh Shoshi, I hope you get seen quickly and it is nothing but a false alarm. The blanket looks better with each added row. I can see Lily and Ruby claiming it as their own. Hope you find a falafel recipe which works for you. Meow to the misses. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  11. Diana Taylor

    Wow, the blanket is looking stunning, it must be nearly time for the big reveal, I bet you cant’ wait. I love the pictures of the kitties, how lovely to see one hugging the other – so affectionate with each other. I’m sorry to hear you are having health worries, I am sure you will be seen straight away – I have had had two friends recently with ‘scares’ and the NHS has moved in double quick time to deal with them. Good luck and take care Shoshi,
    Thinking of you and sending hugs,
    Diana xx #24

  12. Mary Anne

    So sorry to read of your scary health concerns. I had similar once and if it helps, they told me as I was no longer needing to use them for their intended purpose (ie feeding) the structure was changing. The did do a mammogram and in fact it turned out to be nothing of concern. On the plus side it put me in a category of having yearly mammograms rather than, what? 5-yearly on the NHS? So fingers crossed it will end up being nothing for you too. Your cat blanket is looking amazing, and I am wondering about the falafels. I have a recipe from…either The Moosewood Cookbook or The Enchanted Broccoli Forrest and it’s pretty good but not sure it fits all your requirements! Check them out – hippy, dippy California cookbooks from the…60’s? 70’s? not sure but they have loads of yummy recipes
    Catching up, a day late
    Mary Anne (1)

  13. Cindy Ashplant

    You must be a little ahead of us there, our clematis is only just coming into bloom along with the choisyas and the alliums. That peony is a beauty, such a vibrant colour and showy blooms, but I don’t grow them, mainly as their innate floppiness after rain would send my OH into despair – everything has to stand to attention in our garden!! Love a falafel if it’s a good one – but not all are equal I’m afraid. I wonder where your favourite recipe is hiding? I’m sure you will experiment and come up with a winner.
    I was so sorry to hear you’ve found a lump, and appreciate everything that means with your history – but positive thinking my dear, one day at a time. We’re all rooting for you.
    And the throw. Words fail me, it’s just getting better and better. He will be blown away. Have a good week, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindyxx #14

  14. Angela

    Your peony is beautiful. Love the seeing the rug developing and your kitties as usual are gorgeous. I have never tried falafel, I don’t really know what it is. Looked up mulesing, it’s hard to believe the things “they” come up with to torture animals. Human beings can be so barbaric. I am really sorry you have found a lump and shall include you in my prayers, hoping it’s benign. Excellent Bible quotes to remember. Angela #23

  15. Stacy

    Your blanket is looking so fabulous and I love how your peony looks too 🙂 It always makes me smile to see furbabies and hopefully you will be getting some news from the doctors soon. (( HUGS )) ~Stacy #29

  16. Lisa Jane Johnson

    Oh Shoshi, I’m so sorry you are back in the “waiting area” as it were. I hope that since I’m so late, that you’ve at least heard back from the GP and things are moving forward to put your mind at rest and rule out anything sinister. In brighter things, you are so lucky to have so much blossom on your apple tree! Ours is looking pretty dead as a result of frost cracking we think, plus losing another apple 2 years ago after a 100 year old oak fell on it. We’re holding on to hope for pears! Thinking of you xx Lisa-Jane, #8

  17. Marit

    Oh my goodnes, that blanket is fabulous! And what a work of labour it is! Love it. After my cancer threatment last year I can feel the anxiety of recovering ‘something’ – I am scared everytime I think I see a new spot somewhere on my skin… I do hope everything will be allright! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day, have a nice and relaxed weekend dear! Hug from Holland. Marit #28

  18. Julia Budd

    Yes Missus, you plod on until told otherwise. The infuriating part of needing to see your Hp is that after you’ve jumped through the phone, econsult and form filling hoops, they sigh and suggest you need to go in and see them. Honestly, it’s so cumbersome! The kitty blanket is looking amazing. I’ve been doing something with yarn too, may show and tell when it’s grown a bit so it’s actually easy to tell what I’ve been doing! Your peony has flowered super early compared to up her, how marvellous she is too, what a colour! Sad to say that the Clematis I mentioned has received some horrible treatment at the hands of the telephone or electricity company (our whomsoever owns the pole and wires it was climbing along). It’s been cut down very savagely, just when it should have been left to flower. Aaargh.

  19. Lilian B #10

    Very late with the comment this week

    The cat throw is amazing its looking really good, Love you cats they are a sweet pair,

    Hope you get some news soon and your health is better, Love the garden

    Take care and stay safe.

  20. Maureen Roffey

    Ho Shoshi – You already popped around to visit my place via WOYWW – I am catching up – I just love your cat throw and your cats. I hope you are having better health and I will pop by again soon – Cheers Maurs #33

  21. Devon Lily

    The kitty throw is absolutely stunning!!! … is the purple circles.

    Am holding you in my prayers for the investigations – the waiting I found was the worst part. I hope you will be seen quickly and the outcome is benign. It’s a shock to find something like that though, and not easy to navigate when things are complicated with COVID issues. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  22. Susan Renshaw

    Still trying to catch up with my commenting! Yesterday was Mother’s Day here in Australia so after a lovely lunch and lots of fizz I didn’t get anything else done…
    Hope you managed to get a doctors appointment and all’s well…
    The kitty blanket is going to be amazing and I love all the cat pics! The circle jumper is coming on nicely too…
    Your Clematis is fabulous – and the peony! Last year was such a good year for apples wasn’t it? My sister had so many from her small orchard in West Ogwell. Hope this year’s harvest is as good!
    Look forward to the progress on the falafel and pita recipes.
    Happy Woyww!
    Susan #25

  23. elle

    Your kitty blanket looks amazing and your cats are gorgeous – how cute are they sitting together on your husband’s lap. I hope everything goes well at the doctors, that is always a scary thing. Oh and have you tried chickpea flour for the falafels? I always make mine with that, also called gram flour sometimes. Elle #32

  24. Lindart

    HI Shoshi, Sorry it has taken so long for me to reply – where does time go? Tuesday sneaks up on me every week now and I say to myself “Tuesday?? Already? Where did the rest of the week go?” First of all, I will be thinking of you and hoping that the lump is benign. Secondly, that throw is magnificent!! I have never been successful with making Falafel, but I love eating it! I think Anthony Bourdain did a show from Israel where they explained how to make the perfect falafel. The kitties are gorgeous as ever, I often wish my two would cuddle up, but its never going to happen! Take care, think good thoughts! Lindart #34

  25. juliet brown

    Gosh Shoshi, I turn my back for a couple of minutes to find it is all going on – prayers for your health and fingers so very crossed for you. I LOVE the kitties blanket – I don’t know how you manage to be so productive but also so highly creative and produce such gorgeous and individual items at such speed, and your garden is sublime – anything with a bit of clematis montana and some apple blossom will always get me swooning. I dont have any suggestions for better pitta, but have you tried socca instead – this is a recipe I found, but I dont think we have ever been that organised to follow anything….

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