My medical problems and their investigation and treatment
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Continuing with the crochet squares for the kitty throw. After everyone's kind words last week, I decided to take your advice, and persevere with the rather difficult design for this particular square, and make some more of the kitty faces. I've now made 4, and added embroidery…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Same thing as last week - squares for the kitty throw! I decided to do a different style of square, working back and forth rather than in the round, following a graph design of a kitty face. Here is the design I made. My first attempt was…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Still working at squares for the kitty throw. Nothing new to show really, but I'm on the home stretch with the squares, and I've got quite a full bag of them now. I've got to make 80 in all, and then it's on to the kitty appliqué…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Cat throw My new wool has arrived, and I am very pleased with it. It seems to be nice and soft, and of good quality. My hubby said he wasn't very impressed with the standard of packing, and I had to agree! However, the contents were fine.…
Well, what can one say about 2020? So much has been said already so I'm not going to say anything! - at least, about national and world events which I actually do have a great deal to say about, but this is not a political blog. I shall stick to my own personal…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? First of all, a beautiful card from Shaz (Silverwolf). Thank you, Shaz! It's shiny and glittery and quite 3-D, and I love the embossed background too. Brilliant! As for what I have been doing this week, I have been making slow but steady progress on my crochet…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? It was so lovely to have the two Zoom meetings on Saturday - thank you Julia for arranging it all - and to put faces and voices to so many of you! In the past I've never been able to attend the meetings in person and this…
First of all, I have discovered that quite a few of you have been unable to leave comments because you've been blocked. I seem to have a very over-zealous spam checker on my Wordpress blog. I have discovered how to deal with this and it's just a question of remembering to keep checking,…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Tiny Carpet #6 Good progress has been made this week, despite having to unpick a few errors. Mapping out the design with the dark red thread. I had to unpick and redo a bit at the top because I mis-counted. When I added the top diamond, the…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Tiny Carpet #5 complete The work on this one has progressed really well this week. Last week I left you with the green partially done. Here is the green, completed (apart from the background). To begin the backgrounds for the top and bottom sections, I have chosen…