You are currently viewing WOYWW 601 Name Dropping, Bread Correctly Spelt, and the Two Year Waiting Game

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

It was so lovely to have the two Zoom meetings on Saturday – thank you Julia for arranging it all – and to put faces and voices to so many of you! In the past I’ve never been able to attend the meetings in person and this was an excellent alternative, which I hope will be repeated in the future. A little bit difficult to chat at times, though, when everyone was talking at once and there were so many people! Julia asked us to make name badges for ourselves and this is mine, using some of my favourite Zentangle patterns. I coloured it with my Tombow brush pens.

Unfortunately it fell off pretty early on (sticky tape not sticky enough) – a nice case of name-dropping – but everyone’s names came up on the Zoom anyway so it didn’t really matter.

Needle book giveaway

I did the draw during the first session, and the winner was Lynne of Lynnecrafts – congratulations Lynne – your needle book will be on its way once you email me your address (please note – I’ve been having trouble receiving emails via my WordPress blog but hopefully I’ve now sorted this, so if you’ve already contacted me, please try again). I hope you enjoy using it for many years to come. Sorry to have to disappoint so many others of you, and thank you all so much for taking part in the giveaway draw. I so appreciate all your lovely comments about the Tiny Carpets needle book project.

For anyone who is interested, all the patterns for the tiny carpets are now on my OneDrive here.

A busy week

There has been a lot on this week, with the Zoom sessions, and also having to do the monthly accounts, and various other beginnng-of-the-month tasks. I’ve made a few more crochet squares for my cat throw and am pretty sure it won’t be finished in time for Christmas. As a result I have been feeling pretty exhausted of late.


Spelt Bread

This week I made another speciality bread – spelt bread. This is also absolutely delicious, with a very different, subtle taste which is quite nutty and very interesting. I made a mixture of half-and-half wholemeal spelt and white spelt flour, and added my usual portion of seeds to the mixture. There is a separate programme on the bread maker for these speciality breads. Unlike rye bread, the spelt bread does not require the use of the special paddle.


The health benefits of spelt

What is spelt?

Spelt is the most ancient grain cultivated by man, closely related to wheat, and cultivated in many countries around the world. Its botanical name is Triticum spelta.

Spelt is high in fibre which helps lower blood cholesterol levels, and is also very good for the health of the gut, and the gut microbiome. Its high protein content (up to 15 per cent, depending on the weather conditions during the growing season) is made up of all nine of the essential amino acids required by the body to repair and build itself. It contains many useful micronutrients including iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phyto-oestrogens and lignans. It is also rich in B and E vitamins. It has a low glycaemic index which means that it does not cause the dangerous glucose spike which can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes; in fact it has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.

The molecular structure of the protein (gluten) in spelt is more fragile than wheat gluten, which makes it easier to digest as it is more water soluble. Many people find that wheat causes excessive bloating and wind, and moving to spelt can help alleviate this problem. Modern wheat has been selectively bred in order to increase levels of strong gluten, to which some people are sensitive, and the easier-to-digest gluten in spelt may be the answer to this problem for some individuals. Obviously, because spelt contains gluten, however fragile it might be, this makes it a food to be avoided by those with coeliac disease.

The husks of spelt are used as a natural breathable filling for pillows, giving a restful night’s sleep. Spelt bread was the staple food of the legions of Ancient Rome. So sleep well, rise early, eat spelt, and go forth and conquer the world!

Aaahhh… BRED! Ooops! Have I spelt that correctly? Oh well, it was delicious, anyway.


After last week’s kitty fest, not too much kitty activity this week. Here’s a shot of them sitting one on each of my hubby’s knees. He looks resigned to his immobilised state, doesn’t he.

They are continuing to enjoy the new furniture we bought for them, as indeed are we – when they give us the chance to sit down.

Health Update

The last reported event in the long running saga of my non-happening operation was a phone call with the PALS office in late September when a new staff member said he’d taken over my case after the previous person had left, and not done anything. In mid-October I chased him up and he said he’d phone back with a progress report but since then: Nothing. Zilch. Diddly squat. Nada. Nowt. Take your pick.

On Monday I received a letter from the Devon Referrals Office in Newton Abbot, apologising for delays in waiting lists caused by Covid and asking whether I wanted to remain on the waiting list for my operation. I immediately replied that I did, and attached a letter detailing my two-year journey of non-events and requesting, in view of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital’s inefficiency, losing me in their system and causing massive delays, that my operation be arranged at the earliest possible date, with no further delays. I also forwarded a copy of this letter to Mr. Pullan, my colorectal surgeon at Torbay, to bring him up to date with what has (not) been happening. If they hadn’t so royally messed up, I could have had my operation long before the advent of Covid which is just causing even more unnecessary delays.

I now enter another waiting game. Whether this latest communication will make any difference at all, or whether it will just be yet another missive to fall on deaf ears, remains to be seen. I am at the end of my tether with RD&E and am royally FED UP.

Have a great creative week, everybody.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Diana Taylor

    It was lovely to see you on Saturday Shoshi, and unfortunate that it was too difficult to talk individually, but I loved seeing the kitties and your rather large collection of cat squares ready for making into a throw – I’m amazed at how many you have managed to make already. The badge is beautiful and I love the tiny pattern around the name, such detail in it. I do hope you hear back from the hospital soon, it’s been going on for so long. They should have a complaints department, I know Southampton General does and they were wonderful when I was just about at the end of my tether with the dreadful treatment of my mum on one of their wards.
    Lovely to see the kitties again, although your husband does look rather trapped!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #20

  2. LLJ

    I didn’t see the detail of your badge on Saturday, it’s lovely! Congrats to Lynne for winning the needle case, I know she’ll treasure it a lot for her various crafts. Yes, it was tricky to chat to everybody on Saturday but it was worth a god and definitely a repeat sometime albeit in a different format maybe.
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  3. Sue Hall

    Lucky Lynne! Smashing needlework, as always. Hugs, Sue #24 xx

  4. Helen

    The badge is great ! The only trouble with such a big group is getting a word in lol. It was fab fun though hope we can do it again soon Helen #3

  5. Lynnecrafts

    Hi Shoshi, it was great to see you on Saturday. I sent you an email then but I’ll do it again. I’m so pleased to win your magic carpet!
    So sorry that your operation is still delayed. Have you looked up the CEO’s name and contacted them directly?
    I didn’t see your badge on Saturday but it looks beautiful
    Take care, stay safe and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 26

  6. Julia

    I’m sorry you’re so fed up, but delays caused by Covid aren’t unnecessary, honestly. Unless your life is in danger, I think avoiding having to be in a hospital has been a good idea in the last few months. However, that’s my opinion. Saturday was fun, am going to try it in smaller groups at some point so that we can avoid one conversation hijacking 25 other people who have something to say, Zoom is great, but nothing is as good as meeting in person! I think you’re right to acknowledge that the kitty blanket will not be finished by Christmas…now you can just enjoy the making of it instead of stressing about it every time you pick up the yarn.

  7. Spyder

    Great badge, I did start one, but it didn’t get finished, I blaim the cat! The little needle thingy is lovely but I’m not sure what I think of the bread, does it toast well!?
    Have a great crafting week, happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #15

  8. LLJ

    Shoshi, Lynne (Lynnecrafts) has a message for you on her blog, she’s blocked from commenting or contact from your blog. She has posted her email address in her comments.
    LLJ x

  9. Mary Anne

    Lovely to see you on the Zooms, although my evening pop-in was brief. I realized too late my name badge was really pinned too low to be seen on the camera. Oh well. No matter, at least MY Zoom showed the names so I was OK.

    There seemed to be a fair few cat lovers on there. Happy days for you! Sorry about the health issues. I know a few people in the same boat, one who had a pre-emptive double mastectomy cancelled (she has the gene and her Mom died of breast cancer, quite young) and she has two young girls herself so not best pleased! Hope it gets sorted!

    Happy WOYWW! (WowWee!)
    Mary Anne (1)

  10. Felicia

    Shoshi, I am so extremely sorry for the issues you have been having. It seems like this saga has gone on and on and never-ending! I pray this new doctor gets their act together! I also had kind of the same issue with my Oncologist in the last two weeks. It was very disappointing because they have NEVER been like that. I was awaiting test results and you could hear crickets….that’s how quiet it has been!! I have had to be the one to call them for results, which they never seemed to have when I’d call!! It was so frustrating, but I guess I will chalk it up to Covid, just like they do!! Just out of curiosity…what do you think they will blame it on after Covid is over?????? LOL I hope you can get some action soon!

    I wanted to tell you how good it was to see you on Saturday! You looked beautiful by the way and I just love your hair!!! I have been extremely blessed with my hair never really graying although both of my sisters are both gray and have to dye their hair. I have a few sprigs here or there, but God has blessed me with color longevity! LOL I wouldn’t color it either way, I happen to like silver hair! Anyway, yours is beautiful!!

    Loved seeing the kitties, what I could…reception was bad at times! But the picture of your hubby with those guys is so, so cute!!

    I LOVE spelt bread! It’s probably one of my favorite. I love the nutty flavor and consistency of it. Although I only use it as toast. I don’t make sandwiches anymore unless it’s a veg sandwich, but for some reason I don’t like using the spelt as a sandwich!! Its so delicious though! Thanks for the info on it as well! I just love all your great info!!

    I hope we have another Zoom soon and we all get to connect again! It was great fun seeing you! Blessings to you and have a great rest of your week! Felicia, #29

  11. Chana Malkah

    Thanks for the pattern!
    I was unable to attend the Zoom event (obviously, since it was Shabbos for me) but I have read that it was a fun happening. I am only now learning about the name badges…I will hope I can come up with something. That is not really my wheelhouse.

    I tried Spelt bread once…I guess it is an acquired taste. My gastroenterologist recommended it. I have a very rare disease and she and my neurologist have been slowly moving me to make different dietary choices. I don’t have a bad diet now, but some of the things they recommend are not available Kosher and therefore I can’t eat them.

    I hope your situation gets resolved soon! Now that the vaccine is available in Great Britain, maybe the infection rate will slow and your hospitals will be able to return to a somewhat normal triage!
    Chana Malkah, #31

  12. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    That is a very delightful badge, Shoshi! I’ve made one too but I was lazy and simply printed out my blog banner and profile picture. It was so nice to see you and both kitties – they were so well behaved – I believe I have a screenshot of you holding one of them, but I can’t tell which one as she’s looking down! It was super fun meeting with everyone – honestly, it felt like I’d met you before – probably because all the recent photos I’d seen on your blog – I recognised you immediately! Lucky Lynne for winning your fabulous Tiny Carpet #6! That’s another cute photo of the kitties – they think that’s the sole purpose of human legs! Your new furniture looks very cushie! I love spelt bread too, but I just get it from Morrison’s. I haven’t had it for a while as I don’t go into the office any more and Morrison’s on the way – I haven’t seen it anywhere else – of course, it’s best to make your own, but I’m not that organised. Yours looks so mouthwatering! Happy #601!

  13. Sharon M Brooks

    Hi Shoshi, was lovely to see you on Saturday, cannot recall now how many years ago we came to see you! The needlecases were a lovely idea, and all came out beautifully. Thr Zoom crop was very much like a real crop- lots of talking and chatting, and very little crafting,lol. It will be nice if we can do them in the future too, even after we can go back to real ones. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

  14. Angela Radford

    Hi Shoshi, Saturday was great but yes it was difficult at times to chat because of the large group but great that so many people joined in. Always love to see your kitties and loving your Zoom badge too. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x19x

  15. Ali Wade

    Happy WOYWW. I am doing some last minute blog visiting before I go to bed. Your badge is amazing close up. I seemed to miss Julia’s request to make a badge, but I missed most of the morning Zoom due to poor internet, and then had to leave early in the evening to help with some farm stuff. I found it difficult to listen to all the different voices. All other Zooms I attend everyone stays muted unless they are talking with the host/asking a question etc, which makes it much easier to listen and join in. I struggle with my words later in the day especially, but I enjoyed getting on with my weaving and seeing faces. I haven’t been to a Crop either, so was very happy to have a virtual one. I love spelt bread. You do inspire me to make my diet healthier. I am buying less chocolates/biscuits etc this Christmas. It will be just the two of us, so only a few traditional treats. Ali x. #16

  16. Sarah Brennan

    I do hope that letter speeds things up for you Shoshi (not that they could go much slower). It was great to see you and the kitties on Saturday. So good that a sewer won the needle book too. I am off for a lumbar puncture later then need to set up the new laptop. Youngest son is making arrangements to have the vaccine as he works in a care home so is ahead of all of us on the list. Can’t wait until as many people as possible have been able to have it and I can give my family a hug again. Meow to Lily and Ruby. Satay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  17. Carolyn Staton

    It was so lovely to see you and the kitties on Saturday, such a treat. I hadn’t realised before that you also went to boarding school – I was at boarding school in Sherborne for 4 years (hated it and left to go to the local sixth form college in Taunton). Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#33)

  18. Lindart

    Hi Shoshi! It was so lovely “meeting” you last week! I’m sorry you are having so much trouble getting your operation, I can only imagine how frustrated you are. Your bread looks delicious, although I have never tasted spelt before. You are so adventurous!
    Sorry I’m so late this week, thank you for your comments on mine, have a great week, and hugs to the kitties! Lindart #31

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