You are currently viewing WOYWW 607 Kitties and Squares, Blender Wows and Woes, Health Woes (No Wows) and The “M” Word

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

Still working at squares for the kitty throw. Nothing new to show really, but I’m on the home stretch with the squares, and I’ve got quite a full bag of them now.

I’ve got to make 80 in all, and then it’s on to the kitty appliqué pieces. These will also involve quite a bit of embroidery. Hopefully this project will be finished before my hubby’s birthday in May! Meantime, he has at least had another Christmas present from me to keep him going.


Smoothly does it…

I am continuing to enjoy my new Vitamix high speed blender immensely. It’s a monster of a machine and doesn’t turn its nose up at anything! I’ve been making my normal stuff  – almond milk, and the rehydration/electrolyte drink that I have daily, which needs blending because I now sweeten this with dates rather than maple syrup. I’ve also blended some soup, and made a rhubarb fool, both of which came out silky smooth. I used to have to strain out the fibrous part from the stewed rhubarb and this got wasted, but with the Vitamix, you just throw in the whole shebang with the custard and blend it all up together, so you aren’t losing any of the nutrients. This works well with other fruits as well, such as gooseberries, blackberries, blackcurrants or loganberries.

I am not generally a great fan of smoothies because a) on the whole it is much better for you to consume the whole fruit or veg and not over-process it beforehand and b) I don’t really like the gloopy consistency of smoothies. However, this week I decided to try my hand at a smoothie bowl. The basis of this is more like a fruit puree than a smoothie, thicker in consistency so that you eat it rather than drink it, and it can be topped with all sorts of interesting and nutritious bits and pieces.

I’ve started following a lovely cheerful and enthusiastic blendaholic called Henry on YouTube (“Blending with Henry“) who loves his Vitamix. He is most entertaining. I got the recipe for my first smoothie bowl from him. If you’ve got a bullet-type blender that can make smoothies, you should be OK with this but it might take a bit longer to blend it nice and smooth.

Recipe of the week

Expression Smoothie Breakfast Bowl  The YouTube video is here.

There was enough for two days, so I put half in a Tupperware in the fridge.

Here’s my completed smoothie bowl. I didn’t have fresh berries but added different things that I had. You can vary it according to the seasons.

I tell you, it was super delicious! The chia oat pudding is my normal breakfast nosh, which I did as recipe of the week way back in August 2019.


I made some more bread this week, this time my regular seeded half-and-half white and wholemeal loaf. Very successful in my new bread making machine.

Old blender woes

I’ve had endless email correspondence with the suppliers of my old blender which broke down still within its guarantee period. They have requested no less than three separate batches of photos, and keep telling me they are in communication with the manufacturer about it. They informed me that the blade assembly had failed, due to “usage issues” (i.e. my fault – which it is not) and not covered by the guarantee. They offered to sell me a new blade assembly, albeit with a generous (?) 10 percent discount but still costing over £50 and also a special wrench at a cost of another £12 approx. to remove the old one and they said everything would be fine. This doesn’t explain the nasty brown deposit coming up from the motor base which rather suggests that the motor is on the way out, or the continuing problem of the white powdery deposit which started coming from the base of the jug shortly after I first bought the machine and which they informed me would correct itself. It did not, but only got worse. I told them I was not prepared to spend more money on this machine, especially as there was no guarantee that it would solve the problem. Moreover, the wrench they wanted to sell me would not fit the base of my jug; at the end of the instruction video they briefly showed an alternative wrench for a base like mine, but this wrench was nowhere to be found for sale on their website. My hubby had no equivalent tool in his workshop.

I told them that most companies would replace their product without question if it broke down during its one-year guarantee period, and I said that if they had done this, instead of all this messing about, they would have had one happy and satisfied customer. As it is, what they have ended up with is a very dissatisfied and annoyed customer who will never again buy another blender of the same make, and would not recommend them to anyone else. I said that surely the company could bear the small financial loss involved in replacing my machine in the interests of good service, and happy customer relations. I’m not sure what they are hoping to achieve by all this ongoing nonsense.

I received a further email from them requesting my telephone number so that they could discuss the matter further with me over the phone the following day. My hubby said I had probably terrified them into submission and they were going to offer to send me a new one, but I had my doubts about this! The phone call took place yesterday, and all that happened was a complete re-run of everything we’d already said in our email correspondence. A total waste of time. They said they would approach the manufacturer yet again and phone me back, which they have not yet done.

I am not impressed. My hubby said he was going to put up a plaque saying that I am now officially “Disgusted of Torquay.” I told him I’d been Disgusted of Various Places for quite a while, over a number of issues – not least that over the past ten to twenty years, I have noticed a sharp decrease in the number of people who are prepared to take responsibility for anything. It’s got even worse lately. “Let’s blame Covid for [insert issue of choice]!”

I think I’m turning into the archetypal Grumpy Old Woman. Thank goodness I’ve got…


to cheer me up!

Lily. “Don’t you dare move me!”

Where they love to be – and so does my hubby.

Double decker kitties.

Ruby: “Haven’t I got a beautiful tail?”

My favourite photo of Ruby for the week.

No clothes this week. No, I don’t mean I’m going around naked – I just haven’t got anything new to show you.

Health update

I had a letter from the Exeter hospital yesterday from their Patient Experience Department (which seems to be something different from PALS, the Patient Advisory Liaison Service, whom I first contacted in January 2020, exactly one year ago, and with nil result.) On the subject of the poor treatment I had when I had my CT scan in August 2019 (for which they lost the results for 5 months), they said that Mr. Daniels had requested the CT scan “prone” (i.e. lying on my stomach) and they had read this as “please.” This meant that the information didn’t reach the radiographer, who insisted I lay on my back. I told her he had specifically asked for me to be on my stomach, and I had to argue the point quite strenuously, after which she left me without a word and I could see her on the phone. She returned, and with no apology or explanation, curtly said, “Lie on your stomach.” I have been informed that the department has been told to pay more attention to their communication skills, and also to be careful to be polite to the patients!!

Regarding my being on the nine-month waiting list, they just said that the delay was nothing to do with the hospital system and I had not been lost in it, and everyone was in the same boat with Covid. Covid is the cover-all excuse for absolutely everything these days, and it’s proving to be an absolute gift for inefficient people. I have written back to say that I was indeed lost in the system for five months and as previously requested on numerous occasions over the intervening period, I said again that I did not consider it reasonable or fair that I should have been put on the end of the nine-month waiting list when they had already wasted five months because of a failure in their system. I don’t imagine I shall get any further with this department than I did before. With all elective surgery virtually on a permanent back burner these days, I can’t see my operation taking place at all for the foreseeable future.

I am continuing to have additional problems with stoma management because of this, as I had before when the hernia was awaiting repair, and these problems just got worse. The whole situation is very depressing, but there’s no point taking it any further with anyone else because Covid has put the kibosh on everything anyway. If the operation isn’t going to take place for several more years, a five month shortening in my position on the waiting list probably isn’t going to make much difference at the end of the day.

What a mess the whole thing is.

Anyway, to more cheerful subjects.

My funny hubby

The “M” word

My hubby has a speech impediment. There are several words in the English language that he simply can’t pronounce. This was very apparent when he was still working. The first word is the “N” word (no, not that one…) – this one is only two letters long, and the first letter is “N” and the last letter is “O.” He would always agree to do anything anybody asked him to do (apart from me, of course), which meant he got a reputation for being a complete walkover, and certain people took advantage of him and then he’d get too busy and stressed, and would complain! The second word is the “D” word, which he finds extremely difficult to get his tongue around. OK, it is several syllables long. It is “De-le-gate.” My lovely hubby is NOT a team player!

Another word has cropped up again recently. This is the “M” word which describes something I have to be very good at, as most women will attest – it does seem to be harder for the male of the species to master, generally speaking. He has his own version of this, called “Monotasking.” I would often notice one manifestation of this when he was working – if he was on the phone when the doorbell rang, he simply couldn’t cope.

When my grocery delivery arrives, there is often something they haven’t delivered, so he pops down to our local Sainsbury’s just down the road to pick up anything that’s missing. Over this past two or three weeks, one of our neighbours has been poorly (not with Covid – there are other things that people get poorly with) and he’s been doing her weekly shop for her. She gives him a list, which he takes along with mine, and does the shopping for us both. Yesterday he admitted that he goes round the shop doing hers first, and then starts again with my list, to do mine! Even if there are only two or three things on my list, he can’t do both simultaneously! I roared with laughter at this. When my Tesco delivery man arrived yesterday morning he was chatting and saying how busy he was these days, and had to do a lot of multitasking, and he fell about when I told him about my hubby’s skill in that direction!

I wish I’d taken a photo…

The other day it was raining, and I happened to look out of the kitchen window to see my hubby in his waterproofs, filling the watering can with the hose on the outdoor tap. I called out to him and asked why on earth he was going to water the garden when it was raining!!! I thought, “Now I’ve seen everything…” He informed me that he was going to clean the car. Oh well… There is logic in there somewhere, I suppose.

You know, I think I am the only sane one living in this house…


I heard a brilliant joke the other day about the famous communist national car of East Germany, the iconic Trabant. Apparently people in East Berlin had looked over the Wall and seen the West Berliners all driving around in fancy cars and got all jealous, so the government decided to manufacture their own state car so that everyone could have one. The trouble was, there was a ten year waiting list to get one (a bit like me trying to get my hernia operation done).  A man went into the Trabant showroom and said he would like to order one. The salesman said, “Yes, fine. We can deliver it in the morning of the second Thursday in March in ten years’ time.” The man replied, “Oh, that’s no good!” “Why not?” enquired the salesman. The man answered, “That’s the day the plumber is coming.”

Funny how people still think Communism is a good idea…

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Sue

    Such cute cats and gorgeous coloured fur. Glad you’re enjoying your smoothies. My daughter loves them too but I like to chew my food? She’s always coming up with new recipes, I shall pass yours on. Hugs, Sue#21 xx

  2. Lynnecrafts

    Hi Shoshi, I do like your Trabant joke! I wonder if you paid by credit card for your defunct blender? If it was still under guarantee they might provide a refund, since you’ve got nowhere with the place you bought it from.
    Waiting for medical treatment like that is so frustrating.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your cat blanket made up.
    Your kitties are lovely, Thea says Mrrp to them!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 22

  3. Susan Renshaw

    Always love to read your posts Shoshi! The pile of kitty squares is coming on nicely. The stories about your husband amused me…
    Stay safe and keep well.
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #12

  4. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi. Great big bag of squares there. It really is growing fast now. Have fun putting them all together for a blanket.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  5. LLJ

    You’ve got a good bagful of squares there!! I’m looking forward to seeing the finished blanket, bet it’ll be fab, you have a good eye for design!
    Hugs LLJ 16 xxx

  6. Diana Taylor

    You are doing so well with your blanket squares, what a bag full and so nice to know you are on the home straight with it. The pictures of the kitties are adorable and they look so comfortable on the new furniture, like you bought it just for them! Hope your hospital stuff gets sorted soon, it must be so frustrating for you. Hope you have a good week,
    Diana x #15

  7. Angela Radford

    Before I start at the top I will start at the bottom cos I love those funnies Shoshi. We all need something to make us smile and they did. Looks like you’re getting on well with the crochet squares and the new blender too. Kitties look comfy and the pic of Ruby is so sweet. Take care and have a lovely creative WOYWW, Angela x14x

  8. Helen Lindfield

    I am speechless at the incompetence of some companies/departments. You are right about Covid being an excuse for everything at present, too. I know it has a lot to answer for, but ….
    I did have a good chuckle at your hubby’s lack of multi tasking skills!
    Love the funny at the end! Take care, stay safe Helen #4

  9. Mary Anne

    Just a quick on this week – sorry to hear all your health woes ongoing. What an annoyance. I had three Dr. phone calls today, regarding an infusion next week that I had hoped to put off till we were in a better place Covid-wise but no such luck. We are two sides of the same coin – you want your op and can’t have it, I want to wait for my procedure and must forge ahead. Bah! Your monotasking story sounds familiar… to all of us! And on the blender, our dishwasher ALSO went today and just a month or so out of warranty. Double BAH! It’s like stuff is built to fail nowadays (said grumpy old lady 2)

    Happy WOYWW, with another late start
    Mary Anne (2)

  10. Felicia

    Shoshi, loved your post this week! Blender wo, wo, woes!! My goodness!! Sounds like someone is yanking your chain…as they say her in the states!! I believe they have no intentions to set it right, but I HOPE I am wrong!! What a nasty bit!!!! So glad you love your new one though! I wouldn’t trade my Vitamix for the world! It will zooooom through anything!! LOLOL I went and watched the vid on YouTube on Blending with Henry! Too cute! That bowl is a MUST TRY my friend! I also hit the link for your chia oat pudding and watched her vid as well! I printed that recipe and so want to try it! Yummmm for all.

    I’m with you on being thankful for your kitties! They sure did change the countenance from time to time in my home! They love unconditionally…well almost…you may have to give a scratch behind the ears, but other than that, they love us!! LOL I miss my kitties, but I can live through your posts and see yours! They are both such beautiful cats too, by the way!

    I am so sorry that you continue to struggle in the health battle! I simply cannot understand the negligence that is so, so obvious! Why can’t people just admit mistakes and move on! And if I have to hear one more time about COVID this and COVID that! Bully for them all! I know it has it’s own validity and it is a HUGE issue globally, but take responsibility and stop passing the buck! Truly Shoshi, I hope you see a light at the end of the tunnel soon!!!

    Mum’s the word on the hubby homefront! I’m still too close to once removed and I am all toooooo familiar with that very same scene!! Was my plight for over twenty years and I don’t miss that at all!! LOL Women were made to carry multiple bags of groceries on both arms, while carrying a child on the hip and open a door all at the same time….don’t get me started!! LOL But let’s keep things light, shall we??? All things aside, too funny and especially the bit with cleaning the car!!! And I loved the toonie! Too funny!

    Blessings to you Shoshi and I am sending hugs and many prayers your way for release!! Take care and stay safe! Felicia #27

  11. Ali Wade

    Happy WOYWW. I am being good today and prioritising blog comments like I used to. It is 9.40 pm now and I have been reading/typing on my iPad for about 2 hours now. Definitely going to stop now. I caught up with some of your blog posts. Hope you get the refund for that blender soon. It does show the advantage of shopping with Amazon. From my experiences they are always quick to refund, and often tell me to keep the unwanted or faulty item (if it is not too valuable). Your new Vitamix looks strong. I had one of the bullet blenders a few years ago, which was excellent. I stopped making smoothies, as the recipes I liked were too much sugar for me. I would get dizzy. The breakfast bowl looks delicious. I will investigate further. The cat blanket is going to be stunning. You put so much time and effort into your projects. I showed hubby your kitty photos. He loves cats and spoils our Milky nearly as much as I do! She also is very vocal and demands our attention a lot. Sorry to hear that you continue to wait for your operation. I don’t even bother to phone the doctors about my foot pain now. I have done some more research and it sounds like it may be a type of arthritis. It does stop me walking as far as I would like. I think a lot of my symptom flares are aggravated by Menopause – and this weather does not help. Just before I turn off this screen, I love your rainbow jumper. Ali x. #26

  12. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    Hi Shoshi, the kitties are adorable – that photo of Ruby is priceless! I find your hubs also endearing – what a trooper doing all that shopping for you ladies. I can empathise with his linear approach to completing tasks – if you want something done well, it’s better to do one after the other instead of muddling them up – having said that, going around the supermarket twice with just a few items on each list is probably taking it to the next level! About the trabant joke: it’s true, you couldn’t just buy a car, you had to apply for one and wait for years for it to be delivered through the government. We didn’t even have showrooms – I’m not even sure you could choose the model or the colour – you took what was available. My uncle (my father’s brother) left Hungary in 1956 during the uprising when the borders were open for a few days – he was 19 at the time – he didn’t tell his parents he was leaving, only my father, who was still a kid back then. He became quite successful in the West and was able to send us cars as gifts – he gifted my father a Wartburg in the 70s and a Lada in the 80s – the only thing he asked for in return was that he could borrow them for a couple of weeks on the few occasions when he visited and travelled around the country. Hope you can get your operation sorted soon, though I don’t think it would be a good idea to go into hospital at the height of the pandemic – it’s safer if you wait – not that you have a choice, I guess. Lovely makes and bakes! I love the idea of Chia oat pudding – will look into that! Take care, Shoshi xx

  13. Julia

    That’s quite a lot of embroidery to be done now Shoshi, it’s a big bagful of squares! Surprised that it doesn’t already hold 80, they are more voluminous than I thought! I know you have contacts at hospital and are in line and all of that, but perhaps you need to take the new problems regarding the stoma to your GP, don’t wait and let it get out of hand.if no one knows your place will never be changed.

  14. Sarah Brennan

    SO sorry that you don’t seem to be getting any further with your medical issues Shoshi. The suppliers of that blender are obviously trying to wear you down with their intransigence too. I suggest that you mention taking the matter to trading standards as the item is within warrenty and has been used correctly. It jelped me get a P+P refund from Sizzix (Ellison) who were refusing to refund that portion of an item I returned (at my own expense). If you buy anything online, cancel within 14 days and return said item promptly at your own expense in the same condition it arrived to you in then companies have to give you a full refund of your original payment inclusing P+P even if they say they don’t do so. I persevered and eventually got the remaining £4 refunded to me. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  15. KAREN

    Thank goodness for cats that take the nasty out of any mood. Your bowl looks yummy ~ I’m glad your still loving your new blender and I hope the old one gets sorted out soon. A whole bag of squares is wonderful progress, and by May sounds like you can do it! Stay well and warm and keep crafting! Love, Karen#33

  16. Carolyn Staton

    So frustrating about the defunct blender – threaten them with small claims court or trading standards as you are well within your rights to do and that may persuade them to do the right thing. Lovely photos of the kitties and I really had to laugh about your husband and the M word! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

  17. Ann marshall

    I hate sewing squares up and only this week passed a big bag of squares to someone I know who will sew them up and pass them to the local pets rescue centre. The better ones will go to the homeless. Love your kitties as you know I am a cat lover. Have a great week. Ani

  18. Angela

    Great progress on the kitty squares although it sounds as if there is a lot of work yet to come. Live the pictures of the kitties, Ruby does have a lovely tail. But tell her the next pose is not ladylike! I am sorry the health system is causing such problems, not to mention the blender manufacturer. I do hope you get your Heath issues sorted soon, but I believe the only solution is to keep complaining. Takes care x Angela l #6

  19. Lindart

    Hi Shoshi! I just love being a fly on the wall in your house! My hubby has a problem with the “M” word as well, so you are not alone! Poor you having to deal with incompetent people at the blender company. Do they understand that you have a BLOG?? Maybe you should tell them… The kitties are lovely as usual, and yes, that is a FAB tail! Inky is here to say hello to you and yours, have a great week! Lindart #29

  20. Heather marshall

    Hi Shoshi, sorry for the late visit. Oh, I have giggled at the latter part of your post – your husband doing the shopping, and washing the car – and then the German car order due on the same day as the plumber, so funny! Sorry to hear your saga with the hospital continues – there is some small satisfaction sending in an email, but it would be far better to be seen and treated on time! And another saga with the blender – very frustrating! On a brighter note, great progress on the kitty blanket, it will look fabulous when it is finished. Thanks for your visit, I am having fun with my journal, it’s fun to do when I’m not crocheting! Have a lovely week, Heather xx 28

  21. Dorlene

    Oh i so enjoyed your post this week. LOL. Love the photos of your kitties too Have a great rest of the week and so sorry for my late visit. Dorlene #31

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