Artwork consisting of different media
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAG ALBUM - THE FOURTH FOLIO Today I completed the fourth folio of this recycled album, with a theme of entomology. Lots of bugs! Before we begin, I downloaded some gorgeous freebies from VectoriaDesigns. Tinne is very generous with her free downloads, some of which are just backgrounds and elements, and…
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAG ALBUM - COMPLETING THE THIRD FOLIO The third folio of this recycled album is now completed, with its steampunk theme. So far I think this is my favourite. The front page Most of the images are from the Graphics Fairy Premium Membership site, but many of the papers are my…
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAGS ALBUM - BEGINNING THE THIRD FOLIO Now that the first two folios of this recycled album are completed, it is time to begin on the third folio. I have decided on a steampunk theme for this one. Organising my recent dies I got some new dies recently from Ali Express…
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAGS ALBUM - COMPLETING THE SECOND FOLIO, AND FINISHING MY LABELS Finishing the centrefold This is where I left the centrefold of the second folio of this recycled bag album. I was mulling over what else to add to this page, and remembered that I had seen a video recently where…
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAGS ALBUM - WORKING ON THE SECOND FOLIO Both the front and back pages of the second folio (made from a single bag) of this recycled paper bag album are now complete. I have begun work on the centrefold but so far only the background is done. As a reminder, here…
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAGS ALBUM - COMPLETION OF THE FIRST FOLIO I have now completed the first folio, made from the first bag, of this recycled bag album. This has been a lot of fun. Completion of the centrefold In my previous post about this album, I showed the photos of the centrefold, pretty…
RECYCLED PAPER-GLASSINE BAGS ALBUM Today I made good progress on this new project and completed the first page of the first bag. Recap Firstly these are the bags I am working on. They are made of thin brown paper with a glassine panel on the front. They are no longer being used by…
RECYCLING AND COLLAGE Today I felt the need to do some more collage. A few months ago I finished my Organic Journal and absolutely loved the latter pages which were all intuitive collage. I have got a lot of gel printed papers and special papers that I've made up myself, as well as…
MIXED MEDIA ON OLD CHRISTMAS CARDS, DIY WASHI TAPE FROM KITCHEN PAPER, AND AN ORDEAL Today I had fun in the studio just playing, enjoying the creative flow and feeling myself recover from yesterday's ordeal (more later). I get so little time for this activity and it was very fulfilling. Mixed media on…
A COUPLE OF CARDS May is a busy month for my hubby and me. His birthday is on the 19th and mine is on the 30th, and in between, on the 24th, is our wedding anniversary and the kitties' birthday. This year they are six! I can't believe we've had them that long…