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New slippers

Today my new slippers arrived from Ebay. I decided to get a new pair to take into hospital with me because my existing ones are a bit tatty looking now, and I didn’t want to take in my really posh hand-embroidered ones (more later). Searching on Ebay, I came across these and couldn’t believe they were in my size – they are just the style I love. They are second-hand (or should I say second-foot?) and show a little wear inside and underneath, but apart from that, they are perfect.

Here are my feet wearing them. They co-ordinate rather well with the carpet, don’t they.

I’ve been told I can’t take a lot of stuff into hospital and these are neat and compact and lightweight. They are made of felt. I am ordering some woolly insoles for them as the soles are quite thin and this will make them warmer for my feet. The embroidery is so pretty!

I have also bought a gorgeous embroidered top from the same seller ( She is a pleasure to deal with. Both these items are made by Toast – a clothing company I had not come across before. Quirky and Boho – right up my street! I’m really looking forward to the arrival of the top (probably by the weekend).

Looking for the insoles on Amazon, I came across this hilarious review from someone called Bogart T. Wilkins (love the name!) which ran as follows:

I used this product to make my slippers, which had worn out on the inside, more comfy. I hate the word “comfy”. It is a granny-type word and should be used only by people who are over 60. I am only 56 but am going to break my rule and use the word “comfy” here because that’s exactly what these insoles, both of them, make the slippers. Comfy, comfy, comfy. Now I seldom put on my shoes because they are nowhere near as comfy as my slippers. Admittedly I look a tad silly going up to town on the train in my slippers but when I notice someone staring at my feet I just saunter over to them and whisper “They’re actually very comfy” and that person just smiles and nods their approval.

This made me roar with laughter!

I am over 60 and fully entitled to use the word “comfy.” Most of my contemporaries are now grannies, although I am not one. More power to you, Bogart!

A reminder about my other embroidered slippers

Those who have been following my blog for a long time may remember that back in 2019, about the time I started this blog, I bought a pair of pixie-boot style felt slippers in Totnes that were just crying out for embellishment. This is what they looked like when I bought them:

Felt slippers

and this is how they looked once I’d finished embellishing them, with applique’d felt, embroidery and little bells:

They took several months to complete, because I did a lot of other stuff during that time as well.

I am not taking them into hospital because I’d be terrified of losing them, and also, they are more difficult to get on and off and require bending down to do so, which I probably won’t be able to do easily, immediately after my operation. Not that I would relish losing the new embroidered slippers either – they are too gorgeous to lose!


Everything is now OK with Norton – they have re-established my blog as “safe” and removed the “dangerous website” notice, and the Red Banner of Death has disappeared at last. I do hope that it won’t happen again as it was a real pain getting things back to normal again – it took several days and several appeals which were not fruitful. I hate the way things are done by AI, bots and algorithms these days – I call it AU (Artificial Unintelligence) – there’s no reasoning with it and it is really frustrating not being able to talk to a real person. Eventually I found an administrator on the Norton forum and sent her a message and the job got done.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. juliet brown

    wow! both pairs of slippers are works of art gorgeous!!! Toast is quite a posh brand I believe – at least a very elegant and beautiful colleague wears quite a bit of Toast and I think they also try to follow quite ethical business ideas… their catalogue is sublime, I am not sure much of the clothing would work on me with my colouring but I love to look and their home range is quite lovely (I think their ceramics are beautiful). Anyway more importantly – how utterly delicious to have slippers with little bells on them and no I would chance them somewhere where they could be mislaid, no sirree. Even more importantly, I hope everything goes well and I’ll say a wee prayer for you if I may xxx

    1. Shoshi

      Thank you for your visit, and I’m glad you enjoyed my slippers! I have now also got a beautiful embroidered tunic top from Toast, from the same lady I got the slippers from – fabulous quality again. I must investigate the firm further. Thank you so much for your good wishes, and most especially for your prayers which are very much appreciated! After my surgery date of 28th April was postponed, I haven’t got another date yet. I’m ready to go at any time and the extra time has given me more opportunity to prepare things.

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