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Today Amazon delivered some new books for me. I have long been fascinated by the little brown “Wooden Books” on a variety of subjects, mostly esoteric. A lot of people complain about the format of these books, saying they are too small and the diagrams are hard to understand at this scale, but I find something charming about them. After all, you can always get a magnifying glass if you need to!

I’ve had two of them for several years, and had some others in my Amazon wish list. I recently got around to putting them in my basket, and was delighted that because I’d bought four, I got a discount!

What pushed me finally into buying the additional ones was the courses I am currently working through, on Islamic art, and the mandalas one I’ve just completed.

For years I have been fascinated by sacred geometry, the Golden Rectangle, the Fibonacci series, Islamic pattern and the rest. These little books cover all these subjects and can be a springboard for further study.

The two at the top are the ones I already had in my possession, and the four at the bottom are the new ones. They are most attractive to look at together, aren’t they. I love the browns and creams of the covers, and the reflective gold hologram of the titles (not visible in the photo, unfortunately). Each cover is unique with its different borders and designs but there is a cohesiveness in their randomness which I love. Even if one didn’t actually read them, they are gorgeous little objects to own and to handle! They are bound with stitched signatures in paper covers, so they are good quality.

I’ve no doubt I shall be collecting more of these little books in the future. They cover so many subjects that interest me.



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