Better late than never for WOYWW! I’ve had a very busy couple of days.


I’ve managed to do a few more stitches on my slippers this week. Not a lot, but progress of a sort!

Progress on embroidered slippers

Brilliant news

Last week I had a surprise phone call to say that my new wheelchair would be arriving this week! It came yesterday, and I’ve done a blog post all about it, complete with video and photos. Here is the video.

We took it out for a trial run yesterday afternoon and it went like a dream. OK, we weren’t exactly “off road” but there will be plenty of opportunity for that, if we get any decent weather this summer.

Of course, Lily and Ruby had to photo-bomb my photo shoot of the new monster! They were very interested.

Rear caster and Safari kit on Trekinetic wheelchair

Another monster has arrived!

For the past year I have been toying with the idea of getting an air fryer, but somehow could never make a decision. A couple of weeks ago I had another look, and discovered a machine which will do other things as well, and decided I would get it. It is the Ninja Foodi, and it is an air fryer, pressure cooker and slow cooker combined. It arrived this afternoon, and so far, all I’ve had time to do is unpack it.

Ninja Foodi - unboxing

I had to reorganise the counter to make room for it! It is HUGE. It has two lids – the regular air fryer lid which is hinged and cannot be removed, and a separate pressure cooker lid. My hubby says it looks like 3CPO from Star Wars. It hasn’t made any noises yet!

Ninja Foodi

Here it is with the lid open, and the air fryer basket in place. There is a ceramic coated pot which always has to be used, whatever mode of cooking you are doing.

Ninja Foodi air fryer insert

This is the reversible rack. If you turn it over, it becomes lower.

Ninja Foodi reversable trivet

I am really looking forward to trying it out, but won’t be able to do anything before tomorrow as I am super-busy today.

Progress on cut finger

After badly slicing the top off my nail nearly two weeks ago while chopping chives, I decided to do an experiment using my dough cutter as a guide while cutting herbs. It works a treat!

Using dough cutter as a chopping aid

Not wanting to go into two much detail for the squeamish (I’m really squeamish about this too!), I managed to slice part of the nail from my index finger, using this big knife, chopping chives. Because of the nature of this injury, it is going to be weeks before I can take the dressing off, which is a huge pain. The nail will have to regrow from the bottom. It is not bothering me apart from the inconvenience of not being able to get it wet, but it does need protecting. Duh. So quickly and easily done. The dough cutter is going to make things a lot safer!!

Happy WOYWW everybody.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Sarah Brennan

    How brilliant that the wheelchair has arrived sooner than expected Shoshi! R2D2 looks like a monster of a machine, but if it can be used for all three purposes described it sounds like a great piece of equipment. We have all three items separate which certainly take up more room. Hope the nail grows back soon and that you can finally go without the dressing on your finger. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Caro Staton

    Well that was an answer to prayer with your quick delivery of the chair! I am so pleased for you – now you can enjoy the whole summer (if we get one!). Love the kitties checking it out. The slippers are looking stunning as well. Happy WOYWW. Have a lovely week. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)

  3. Helen Lindfield

    oh my, still in the wars!! Hurrah to your new whizzy chair – enjoy getting used to it. Enjoy also your new kitchen gadget! Helen #2

  4. Tracey

    I’m so pleased for you Shoshi your new chair look incredible, like a machine that would look fitting in a Mad Max movie how awesome to be travelling in such style. You will turn heads for sure. All you need is a rain canopy and you will be set for all weathers!!
    Yes the air fryer does indeed look like CP3O isn’t it amazing clever how these machines can do so much. I do not have the space for such things having to use my kitchen as my creative corner but i’d have it all to aid cooking if I could.
    Ouch to the cutting of your finger. I have been absent for a wee while so was not aware of this. Not a nice thing to do. My Daughter cut the end of her finger off with a pair of scissors, when she was much younger snipped the tip right off. The district nurse come to the house to dress it regularly but it healed remarkably well. Hope yours heal as speedily.
    Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #17 and Have fun in your new chariot xx

  5. Angela Radford

    Hi Shoshi, I’ve seen those cookers and they look really interesting. I’m loving your slippers they are gorgeous. Of course the girls had to be in the photos somewhere. Wishing you a lovely creative woyww, Angela x11x

  6. Wonderful news about your new chair. I know you are going to love it. Lily and Ruby are SO cute inspecting it. They are truly adorable gems.

    Your Ninja looks fantastic. I bet it will be worth its weight once you start using it. I agree with your husband about the shape.

    Sorry to read about your finger, but you are incredibly clever in your ability to resolve the problem. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  7. Margaret Craner

    You certainly have gone in for monster machines, but they both look very impressive. I look forward to seeing how both of them make your life easier. Enjoy learning about the possibilities. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #9

    1. Margaret Craner

      In answer to your query about the longevity of encaustic pictures, there is an acrylic sealant that you can apply to protect your work from damage. xxx Maggie. (Silvercrafter) #9

  8. Dorlene Durham

    I’ve heard so many great things about the pressure cookers. I love your idea about cutting. I haven’t did anything quite as bad as yours, but have definitely “shaved” a bit off my fingers over the years. Have a wonderful week and lovely slipper by the way. Great work! Dorlene #27

  9. Arnoldo L. Romero

    Wow, the embroidery on your slippers is just amazing! I’m glad to hear you are enjoying your new wheelchair, as well as the Ninja. Happy WOYWW!

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