You are currently viewing WOYWW 579 Not Much Time for UFOs or Smelling the Flowers

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

Again, no desk – it’s just a dumping ground and I haven’t been in the studio except to dump more stuff, or to fetch things I need.

I am continuing to work on the purple circles jumper and have nearly completed sleeve #1. With the decreases, the rows are getting shorter so that last part is much quicker to do than the top part. I haven’t bothered to photograph it because it’s not that different to look at from the last time.



After making my first batch of tofu last week, I marinated and roasted some for supper. I wasn’t entirely convinced the tofu was as it was supposed to be – it seemed rather grainy and crumbly – but I have never eaten tofu before so I don’t really know what it should be like! Anyway, I cut it into cubes and left it for a couple of hours or so in the marinade, and then roasted it.

I was hoping it would come out crispy on the outside but it was soft. It tasted really nice, though. I poured the remaining marinade over, and served it with a couple of slices of home-made bread and a small salad, garnished with some of my home-sprouted fenugreek seeds.

I have since made some more, and it came out much the same. I haven’t cooked that yet.

Meals out

Lunch out, both yesterday and tomorrow, with us taking our own food. Yesterday we just needed to take enough for us two, so the preparation wasn’t too much more than usual, but tomorrow I am taking food for us all. They are interested to know how we have been eating recently so I am taking several different wholefood salads and some wraps. The salads are each only small portions so they will be able to sample plenty, and we will eat the rest at home. We’ve got a long drive to do and a relatively early start, so I have had a lot of planning to do, working out what to cook when, and what things have to be done at the last minute. In the middle of all the preparation I had a Tesco delivery yesterday morning when I was preparing for the first lunch out. It’s all been pretty hectic. Today I am having to spend most of the day cooking. I haven’t had much time for anything else, which is why progress on my UFOs is rather slow this week!

I hope to visit as many blogs as I can on the WOYWW blog hop this week but may not manage everyone. Today I am going to be very busy cooking for tomorrow, and Friday is always a busy day with laundry and other domestic stuff, and also I shall probably be shattered!


Not so many kitty pics this week. Just Ruby looking somewhat accusingly at my hubby through the window, wondering why he’s still messing about outside when her tummy is so empty.

“Pleeeease come in and feed us!”


All our bedding plants are really coming out now and we’ve got a real show of colour. Well done, my hubby!

There are even some tiny grapes on the vine.

The ferns on the bank are looking lovely, and you can see how the primrose plants are spreading. They get more each year.

The tomato plants we were given are coming on nicely and have some little tomatoes appearing.

Our apple tree now has lots of apples coming! We don’t know the variety but they are delicious – we eat them stewed, and they are sweet and flavoursome. My hubby likes them raw but I’m not so keen. It’s only a small tree, but it’s very productive and we have enough to freeze to last the whole year.

I just wish the weather had been better, so we could have sat outside and enjoyed it all! It’s been so grey and windy, and with some rain, and certainly not that warm, so we haven’t had the umbrella out. I miss being able to sit out!


Another fashion shoot for you. I’ll have to watch out – my hubby may start charging me a photographer’s fee!!

The top is one I bought many years ago in Totnes market. It is decorated with embroidery and shi-sha mirrors. It was hanging in my wardrobe for years while I was too fat to get into it, but I couldn’t bear to part with it! I have another one that I bought at the same time, in red, which I’ll show you another time.

The black and white skirt is a thin Indian cotton one with elephants on it. Again, had this for yonks and can’t remember where it came from.

The over-skirt is actually a dress – the top is a stappy top boob-tube with shearing elastic and I put it on under the shi-sha top. It also goes very well over the black harem pants I showed you last week. I bought this, and a similar one which is a skirt, in blues and greens, last summer in Teignmouth in an ethnic shop. The socks are one of my many pairs of Corrymoor mohair socks – awesome – cool in summer and warm in winter. I’ve got a drawer-full of these in different colours and they never seem to wear out! (I have to wear socks all the time because I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet as a result of my chemo.)

Health update

I had my second telephone appointment about my bladder problems last Thursday, and I blogged about it here. Basically she said I’m to continue with the two-hourly visits to the loo for now, the idea being to retrain my bladder to know when it needs to void, and to prevent it from over-stretching as it has been doing, which makes it weaker and less able to empty properly. In time it should shrink back to a more normal size, and with the brain-training to develop new pathways to re-engage the sensory input that was lost through nerve damage caused by my chemo, I should be able to develop a better routine with it.

The only difference I’ve noticed so far is that I am not getting that awful urgency which came from an over-full bladder. Obviously going every two hours, it’s not being allowed to fill so much, which is definitely more comfortable. I don’t always feel as if I want to go every two hours, but when I get there, I always can. Once my bladder gets used to the more frequent visits, it should develop the sensation of needing to go sooner rather than later.

She agreed that the low muscle tone from my ME could be affecting it. She also said that after all the abdominal surgery I’ve had, there are bound to be adhesions, and these could also be preventing the bladder from functioning as well as it might, if they are sticking my internal organs together. She recommended I did daily visceral (abdominal) massage which would help break down any adhesions and keep my viscera nice and mobile. I’m afraid I am not very good yet at remembering to do this!

She wants me to have a bladder scan, and once that is done, she will speak to me again. During the week before my next appointment she wants me to run another 4-day bladder diary, just to see how things are going.

At the beginning of all this, I didn’t think they would be able to do anything to help me because I have permanent nerve damage, but now I feel very optimistic. They really know their stuff and I feel very encouraged.

The only drawback I’ve noticed so far is that with the two-hourly visits, I am now waking at about 5 or 6 a.m., needing to go to the loo! I don’t usually go to sleep much before 2 or 3 a.m. so I could do without needing to wake so early. I shall speak to her about this at my next appointment.

Lockdown improvements

As well as our two lunches out, practising social distancing, there are a couple of other things that are happening again.

My cleaning lady has now started coming back on Wednesday afternoons and we are keeping to separate rooms! The first week she was here, the weather was nice enough for us all to sit together with a cup of tea before she went home but for the last couple of weeks I’ve hardly seen her!

This coming Sunday, we are able to go back to church again for a service. Apparently we aren’t allowed to sing, which seems a bit stupid to me, because we are all breathing anyway! It’s going to be a bit odd, all sitting spread out. There are so many people that I want to hug but won’t be able to. We can apparently have the bread for communion but not the wine. However it all works out in practice, it will be great to see everybody again after so long, and be able to worship together once more.

Have a great creative week everybody, and I hope to have a bit more to show you on the creative front next time.

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Sarah Brennan

    Glad that things are so positive on the bladder front Shoshi. The bedding plants are indeed lush! Love the expression on Ruby’s face in that photo. Enjoy your meals out (hope the prep goes well) and don’t worry about visiting. Meow to Lilly and Ruby. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. LLJ

    Lol at your hubby and Ruby having a staring contest, I know who’ll win! Well done on making your own tofu, I don’t mind it as long as it’s got lots of flavourings. And your courtyard garden is a real treat, the pots look lovely and cheerful!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  3. Julia

    Your garden is looking a treat, and there’s more to come – we could just do with the July weather improving now, am utterly convinced that most of us have only managed lockdown because the weather was so good. Am really missing it! Glad to read that you may yet be able to get the better of your insides – persistence is something that we know you for, so you can certainly do it!

  4. Diana Taylor

    Your garden is looking fabulous – what glorious colour and I especially love the ferns . Your beautiful outfit is definitely competing with the bedding plants – what a gorgeous colour purple and matching legs too – love it!
    Glad you are feeling so positive about the bladder problems – it sounds like you are getting good advice and will hopefully see big improvements.
    Hope you have a great week, enjoy your meal out tomorrow and don’t worry about visiting,
    Diana xx #14

  5. Sue Jones

    Aww that sounds good and that you are able to have the control of your bladder, rather than it controlling you . Your garden is gorgeous – my tomatoes are not quite as far along as your , but getting there. You look fab in the purple. Have a lovely week . Soojay #19

  6. Lisa M

    Really enjoyed seeing the photos of your garden Shoshi, You’ve done well getting bedding plants. Our garden centre didn’t have any so have made do with what went through the winter in the greenhouse this year. Still not so much to water.
    Love your purple outfit and enjoy your trips out.
    We had a discussion about not being allowed singing at school, apparently it’s because you project your voice spreading particles further…..sounds lovely doesn’t it.
    Have a good week
    Hugs Lisax #17


  7. Angela Radford

    Hi Shoshi, the garden is looking beautiful and so is that outfit. You are so imaginative with your clothes and I bet you’re pleased that you didn’t let it go now you are so slim and can wear them again. Gentle hugs for the kitties and wishing you a lovely creative woyww, Angela x15x

  8. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi. Enjoy your time out with friends. I’m hoping to see my family on Sunday – haven’t seen Joiy since Christmas, so hoping the weather stays good. The garden is looking great – well done indeed to hubby!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  9. Lisa-Jane Johnson

    Lovely plants there Shoshi! We have a lot of ferns here too and I love watching them unfurl. Good news on the bladder front. Have a wonderful week, Lisa-Jane #16

  10. Sharon M Brooks

    Hi Shoshi, good to hear they have solutions for your bladder. Unfortunately, the nerve damage from my surgery means I have no bladder sensation or control at all, so I have a permanent indwelling catheter, which gets changed every 12 weeks. I started having problems with the catheter coming out of it’s own accord, turns out it’s down to bladder spasms, apparently common after my surgery type, but as I have no sensation, I don’t feel them, so now I’m on pills to minimise them, which so far seem to be working ok.Lovely photos of the garden, I’m afraid ours is very neglected this year, between Doug working from home, and then all the time he’s been staying at the hospital with his nephew, there’s been no time to do anything. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  11. Angela

    Hello Shoshi, you are looking beautiful in that outfit! Now in the dangling part not part of the skirt below? Never seen a top like that , love it. Yes Ruby does look puzzled :). So pleased you are now more optimistic on the bladder problem. I haven’t heard that our church is opening yet except for private prayer. It does seem odd to not allow singing I agree. Stay safe x Angela #25

  12. Neet Hickson

    Love you in purple. Definitely a colour that suits you. In fact I just love the whole outfit – the skirt (purple) is amazing and i can imagine it looks good over harem pants too.
    Glad the bladder retraining is going well. It will be interesting to see how it goes over a longer period and if it does in fact retrain.
    Been for another leg dressing this morning and the nurse pointed out that I have such poor circulation so she talked about Doppler stockings – I haven’t much of a clue what she was on about but gather they are to do with circulation wearing socks during the day. People have commented before on the colour of my lower legs and the vein protrusions but never really done anything. I have asked but they just say “age”.
    Love the picture of Ruby, she is priceless.
    Also love your planting, such a riot of colour and it must be a pleasure to sit out when it is sunny. not much chance at the moment but a few weeks ago it was nice. Plus you probably get better weather than we do up north.
    Good luck with all the cooking, that will be a fun meeting up with your friends and how good to be able to go to church again – shame you cannot sing though.
    Have a good week
    Hugs, neet 11 xx

  13. Ali Wade

    Happy WOYWW. You are certainly busy making sure that everyone is fed. I struggle just with me and Rich (and the pets!). I am hungry now (surely time for a cheese scone and butter?! Addicted to those at the moment). Your garden is looking amazing. We have finally sown our back garden with patches of grass seed and a wildflower mix. It is all growing well and much nicer than the weeds/bare patches left by the builders and electricity board. Wonderful that your cleaner can come back. I used to have a weekly cleaner, but the only lady who did a decent job left the company (otherwise it would be a pair of teenagers who just chatted to each other and didn’t seem to do much actual work) and I haven’t had the budget since to find another one. One reason I am trying to earn some extra money through blogging and Stampin’Up! is to pay for a cleaner. Our farmhouse is far too big and I really do struggle to keep it as clean as I would like. We will eventually move to a smaller property (hopefully a bungalow in Spain), but until then a weekly cleaner would be fantastic. Enjoy your lunches. Ali x #29

  14. Neet Hickson

    Just made a long comment but it came up with a box saying, as once before, I could not leave it. Will try again after this one and then give up.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx

  15. Lindart

    Glad things are slowly starting to open up for you, the slower the better! As far as singing goes, droplets from your lungs spread farther out the louder you speak, or singing, or yelling, so keeping to a soft voice is best for not spreading droplets through the air. There was a choir in the US that didn’t stop when told to, they did their thing, and not only did the choir master come down with the virus, but so did 16 people in the choir.
    Shoshi, I bet if you and I went clothes shopping together we would be both getting the same things! I love your “Bohemian” flair, just my style, although I don’t actually have any awesome Bohemian style clothing. If you were to ask my daughter if I liked what you were wearing, she would say “absolutely!”. I need to get something for her wedding, she’s having a Bohemian style wedding, so something like what you have would be right up my alley!
    I’m glad your tofu turned to be edible at least, and I’m sure as you practise, it will get better and better. I know there are several grades of tofu, from very thick, which is maybe what you made, to silken, which is almost like custard. I am not a huge tofu fan, but I do love deep fried tofu, where the outside is crunchy and the inside is smooth. And I like the vinegared tofu skins used in sushi.
    Your flowers are gorgeous, I should put more flowers in pots, then I could put them anywhere! makes sense to me.
    Please give the kitties scritches from me and meows from Mittsy and Inky, we all hope you have a lovely week, and enjoy your outings! Lindart #32

  16. Vix

    Hello Shoshi! I’m so glad to hear about how helpful thehospital are being with your bladder issues, it sounds like you’re in very safe hands.
    That photo of your husband and Ruby made me giggle, she looks so indignant! We’ve only had a three girl cats but you really don’t want to mess with them, do you? Jon used to be terrified of upsetting our beloved naughty tortie, Polly, she’d give him such a look!
    The garden is looking wonderfully lush and the tofu doesn’t half look tasty. Our tomatoes and cucumbers have flowers but i must admit that i haven’t checked on them since Monday, it’s been too wet!
    Love the outfit, you’ve got yourself a wonderful blog photographer there. Purple is your colour! When we first started going to India I’d buy loads of those silk hankerchief hem sundresses and skirts and sell them on eBay, they used to pay for the next flight back! Hooray for being able to fit into that top again, just goes to prove that if you love something you should always hang on to it.
    I bet you’re really excited to see your cleaning lady and your church crew again. I went to the hairdresser’s yesterday (the fifth time in ten years!), it was so good to be out and normal again! xxx

  17. LLJ

    Me again! PiF stands for Pass It Forward, so if someone does a good turn or sends you happy mail, it’s good yo then pass the kindness onto someone else. Suppose it’s keeping the good karma going!
    LLJ Xx

  18. Helen Lindfield

    your garden is looking gorgeous, so bright and colourful – and your lovely outfit matches! hope lunch out will be fun . Encouraging news about the bladder control exercises too, and possible further help. Have a good week. Helen #2


    Your blog post started by making me feel hungry Shoshi and then it turned to envy of your fabulous purple outfit ?. You look wonderful and I hope things go well for you.
    Lynn xxx

  20. Tracey

    Your looking lovely and coordinated with the garden backdrop Shoshi, what a vibrant purple that is. Your garden really is in full bloom, I hope you will get some good weather coming your way soon to be able to sit out and enjoy it even more. Glad to hear you have been able to get out and adapt to socially distanced meet ups and meals, it’s something we are all having to practise although some people just seem to be making up their own rules.
    I know it will be a blessing when you meet up with your congregation all being together will surely make up for the lack of singing just embrace each baby step safely, one step forward is much better than two steps back. Take care & stay very safe Tracey xx #12

  21. Susan Renshaw

    I love the pictures of the garden – and the one of the cat looking out the window!
    Love the outfit too… and wait in suspense for future tofu news…
    Happy Crafting!
    Susan #8

  22. ratnamurti

    Love your garden, love your clothes, and especially love that it seems as though good things are happening healthwise – fan-totally-tastic, and take care xxxxxxxx

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