Online Art Course – Self-Directed Challenge, my First Cataract Operation, and New Laptop News

ONLINE ART COURSE - SELF-DIRECTED CHALLENGE, MY FIRST CATARACT OPERATION, AND NEW LAPTOP NEWS Online art course - another still-life graphite drawing The final project in the first module, graphite, is a self-directed challenge, i.e. making a drawing without any help from the teacher. The video gives some hints, and several choices. You…

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Online Art Course – Eye 3

ONLINE ART COURSE - EYE 3 Today I drew the third of four eyes in the Graphite module of the online art course. This was the first one where the teacher left us to our own devices, assuming that by now we would have enough knowledge and experience to do the drawing without…

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Crochet Elbow Patches

CROCHET ELBOW PATCHES I am gradually working through my hubby's winter woollies, ready for him to wear as the weather gets colder. Each year in the spring, I wash all our jumpers and put them away ready for the following winter, but I don't always get around to attending to any repairs at…

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Online Art Course – Drawing the Second Eye

ONLINE ART COURSE - DRAWING THE SECOND EYE The second project in Module A (graphite) is "Eye Studies." This afternoon I worked on the second eye. As before, we began by mapping out the essentials, following along with the teacher's drawing, and referring constantly to the reference photograph. This eye was a bit…