Online Art Course – Completing my First Project

ONLINE ART COURSE - COMPLETING MY FIRST PROJECT This afternoon I followed along with the teaching videos and completed my first project - the still life of onions and garlic, using graphite pencils.   Here is a montage of the completed drawing with the first drawing minus the shading. It is amazing what…


Online Art Course

ONLINE ART COURSE I am not normally someone who takes any notice of ads on YouTube, apart from getting profoundly irritated by them, but occasionally something comes up which stands out from the rest and sparks my interest. This time it was an online art course called Draw Awesome. Phil, the teacher, has…

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Prayer Bible – Completing the Tabs and Experimenting with Different Media for Embellishment

PRAYER BIBLE - COMPLETING THE TABS AND EXPERIMENTING WITH DIFFERENT MEDIA FOR EMBELLISHMENT The tabs All the theme tabs on my Prayer Bible are now complete, and glued in place, with the verses highlighted and the respective theme written in the top margin. The Bible is now ready for use as a Prayer…

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