You are currently viewing WOYWW 520 Slippers and Stress, Ups and Downs and a Celebration

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve done a WOYWW post. I haven’t had time to even think about the WOYWW 10th anniversary… Life has been busy and full of superlative ups and stressful downs. Let’s start with some of the ups. Desky stuff included!

My hubby’s 70th birthday

My hubby and his twin brother were 70 on Sunday. On Saturday afternoon I managed to get into my studio for the first time in months, and cleared my desk and made him a card! I was very pleased with how it turned out.

He had a dream a few weeks ago that Lily went hang-gliding, so I decided to depict this extraordinary event for him!

This is the card front. I cut out elements from a recycled Easter egg box and mounted them on some cloud paper I’ve got.

Card front complete


The card inside

Lily is attached to her hang-glider with a strip of acetate, and that is attached to the card with another strip, so she and the hang-glider move independently. Ruby sitting on terra-firma looking somewhat non-plussed.

Full details on this post.

On Sunday the whole family gathered at his twin’s house for a BBQ and a lot of fun. All three nephews and their two wives and one girlfriend and little ones were there. Our sis-in-law gave each of the twins a photo book absolutely stuffed with pictures from the whole of their lives – I colluded with her in this project, providing lots of photos she didn’t have. Two beautiful books were the result and my hubby was quite choked!

Our other sis-in-law made a wonderful cake for them, with 7 (not 70 – or even 140!) candles on it. The icing had photos which were edible – bizarre, the idea of eating my hubby! Here’s the slice we brought back. I haven’t got a photo yet of the whole cake close up.

Slice of birthday cake

This is what I gave him for his special birthday.


As a result of all this busyness, I haven’t made much progress on my slippers. I have started to add the embroidery around the applique’d flowers, which is quite difficult because it all has to be done with a curved needle.

Progress on embroidered slippers

Progress on embroidered slippers

Bible study

After quite a long break, we resumed our weekly meetings a couple of weeks ago. During this time I’ve managed to prepare quite a few sessions in advance, and it’s been good to have some free time to put in the extensive research I need to do. I am delighted that we have gained another new member who is really keen and is enjoying coming. There’s a lot of work involved but we all gain so much from it.

The new loo

The new loo is finally in. We had a bit of a blip because the first one he put in was leaking and had to be replaced. He said there was a hairline crack at the back. We had another couple of days of not being able to use it until everything had set nicely, but it’s fine now. The decorator has been and measured up, and I’ve got some of the wallpaper, with more arriving at the weekend, so hopefully he will start soon, and we’ll end up with a fun room! It’s always been so horrible in there. Photos will follow in due course.

Everyone who has used it thinks the little sink on top of the cistern is really cool! Nobody’s ever seen one like it before. The only person who doesn’t like it is my hubby! He says it’s too small for his big hands and he splashes water everywhere, so he’s gone back to washing in the utility room! Oh well.

Devon County Show

Another high spot of the last week was the County Show on Thursday. Full details here.

My hubby with a pirate – and a lethal weapon!!

My hubby with a pirate

Wrought iron work.

Decorative ironwork disc

Westcountry cider.

Devon Cider

My favourite floral arrangement in the “Sea Life” miniature class. I love how she’s origami-folded the leaves into fish.

Sea Life 2

I treated myself to a set of kitchen knives and a saute pan at the show, and got a cool little mandolin slicer thrown in free, on top of a decent show-price reduction! As you know, I love cooking, and anything that helps me in the kitchen is a bonus.

Kitchen purchases

Kitchen knives

These knives are lethally sharp, and cut through the hardest veg like butter. Great energy saver! I find chopping quite hard work. Now I just have to avoid chopping my fingers off.

The downer of the week

I recently received the dreaded letter from the DWP (Dept. of Work and Pensions) informing me that my DLA (Disability Living Allowance) was coming to an end, and I had to apply for PIP (Personal Independence Payment), the benefit which is being rolled out to replace DLA. This is an unashamed attempt by the government to save money, and it is a well-known fact that nearly everybody is initially turned down, in the hope that most people won’t appeal the decision. This means, of course, that the most vulnerable people are left without the funds they so desperately need. I feel pretty sick about it because several years ago I was awarded a lifetime award of DLA, until they decided to move the goalposts, and I’ve got to go through the whole horrendous and stressful process of applying again, with absolutely no guarantee that I’ll be awarded the same amount, or even anything at all. The process involves accentuating the negative (which goes well against the grain with me) and it’s utterly depressing and worrying. You feel as if you are being treated from the outset as if you are just out to milk the system and not believed, and if you have to appeal after being turned down, you are made to feel like a criminal, appearing in front of a tribunal.

I have got various guides which I’ve downloaded, to help me fill in the lengthy form (32 pages long). It works on a check-box system and if you don’t know how to answer properly, you immediately fail to score any of their necessary points and end up with nothing. You have to give loads of information to back up your choice of check-boxes and it involves a great deal of writing and repetition. The whole process is absolutely soul-destroying, with no guarantee of success at the end of it. It seems designed to penalise the most vulnerable, and the least articulate people, and the ordeal of applying and appealing is bad enough for the physically disabled, especially those whose condition is worsened by stress and who struggle on a day to day basis anyway, but for those with mental health problems, I can’t imagine how they cope.

There’s a time limit on it – mine has to be back with them by 10th June, so I’m going all out now, trying to get letters of support from the health professionals who look after me, and trying to do a few pages of the form each day. I had a phone conversation with my GP yesterday morning and she’s very supportive, but said I’d most likely fail at the first attempt because most people did, but to go ahead and appeal. She’s going to send me copies of all the hospital letters she’s received, and she said that given the number of mobility aids and appliances I have, that should stand me in good stead, although the DWP’s thinking seems to be that if you use aids and appliances this makes you able-bodied and don’t need any help!

Nearly everybody has to attend an assessment in person, carried out by people employed by a commercial company that the DWP uses. These assessors are not medically trained, don’t know anything about diseases and disabling conditions, and know nothing about you. In an interview of about one hour, they make a decision as to whether you are worthy of consideration. This is why it’s so important to get as much information into the form as possible, and get as much support from the professionals as you can, as well. The general opinion is that these assessors are rewarded according to the number of applicants they reject.

When I got the initial letter, I had to phone the DWP to start the process, and had about a 20 minute interview over the phone. When I rang, I sat in a queue before being answered, for FIFTY MINUTES. I told the man I thought this was quite unacceptable. He said, “We are very busy.” I said I appreciated that, but that they should have more operators.

The whole system is stacked against us.

Thinking about all this, trying not to worry about the outcome and how much further work and worry it’s going to cause, is taking its toll and I’ve not been feeling too well since the letter first arrived. The actual form arrived on Saturday and there’s not a lot of time to get it all done. Having had problems for so many years, one tends to get used to it and work one’s life around it, and forget what it was like to be well, so you have to think about every aspect of your life in a negative way, in order to give a realistic picture. I really, really hate this negative focus.

I suffer from ME, which is a pretty life-limiting condition. Most days I do not go out, and need my hubby to take me, and when we do go out, we are limited where we can go, and have to take both the wheelchair and the small buggy in the car to cover all eventualities. The wheelchair is power-assisted but still requires me to self-propel which is very tiring apart from very short distances.

I would like to trade in both my buggies (mobility scooters) and get a second, powered, all-terrain chair, which would allow me to go out a lot more with my hubby. We’ve both been looking into this and he’s really keen for me to get one, but they are very pricey! It’s such a good bit of kit that second-hand ones rarely come up. Not sure how this is going to pan out yet. I’ve got a few things of Mum’s that I don’t want (some antique furniture etc.), that I’ve been thinking of selling, and the buggies should fetch a bit, and all this should raise a bit of capital for something which would prove a lot more useful, and liberating too. This is the lean, mean monster I’m after:

Trekinetic GTE wheelchair

Funky and cool, eh? It was designed by a formula 1 engineer. It goes up and down kerbs and will run off-road over rough terrain, through snow, and on the beach! It folds really flat with the wheels removed and would go in a normal car boot.


Some fun pics of our girlies.

An armful of kitties

Having fun with a box.

Lily and Ruby having fun with a box

It’s our wedding anniversary on Friday (33 years! – we were both in our 30s at the time, and now my hubby is 70! Where did the time go?) and also Lily and Ruby’s 2nd birthday on the same day! Looking at them now, I can’t believe they looked like this on the first day we saw them, at 5 weeks. They are really heavy, substantial girlies now.

Lily and Ruby at 5 weeks

Cat funny – another pirate!

Pirate scratching post cat cartoon


This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Wow, what a great birthday your husband must have had. And a twin, too. Sort of like the kitties.

    LOVED the card you made and the cake. Nice to see you went to that show. The pirate was a hoot and your husband looked happy.

    Sorry to read about your problems with the govt. Your system is very different from ours, but still the same in that when people apply for disability, they are often denied it the first time. I hope all turns out well for you, because it sounds like an enormous task to overcome.

  2. Neet Hickson

    So much to say – first of all I agree with all you have said about the Allowance. it is appalling the way they treat truly disabled people. I say ‘truly’ because there are so many who get away with it who do not nee it or deserve it. By “it” I am talking about everything and the way I see blue badges abused makes me so angry. Good luck with your application and do appeal if necessary. I hope not but if you need to make sure you do it.
    On a nicer note – love the photos of your girls. They are such pretty sisters and I think the way you portrayed them for hubby is fabulous! What a card that was, and boy oh boy what a cake!
    Love your mean monster! That is a real machine! I can just picture you hitting the road in that but in my mind’s eye you need something like steampunk gear to wear.
    With you on the origami leaves turned into fish. That is a real stunner and I have not seen anything done like that before. Can see why it stood out for you. So glad you enjoyed the Fair and hubby got a photo with Johnny Depp (well, we can pretend). Some good shopping there.
    Have a good week Shoshi and take care, can’t wait for the slippers to be finished but understand there are more important things afoot (no pun really).
    Hugs, Neet 18 xx

  3. Marit

    Happy anniversary, so glad we ‘meet’ almost every Wednesday. I feel blessed to be part of this crafty, creative, nice and supporting online tribe! You share a lot in this post, can’t even thing where to begin with my comments… so, randomly: Happy belated birthday to your hubby! I would be keen on ‘eating my man’ too… the hanggliding cat is adorable (as are they in real life! Let’s keep their feet on the ground then…) and I love the slippers you work on… curved nails are indeed a pain to work with (I use those for bookbinding) Enjoy your day! Hugs and kisses from the Netherlands. Marit #17

  4. LLJ

    Happy 70th birthday to your hubby – love the watch, very smart and the card made me smile. As did your slippers, they’re so colourful and funky!
    Happy 10th WOYWW!
    HUgs LLJ 8 xxx

  5. Debbie Rock

    Happy 10th WOYWW !!! LOVE those slippers … simply amazing! LOVE the watch you got your hubby … it is our 40th wedding anniversary in July and my hubby is 70 next year but he simply refuses to let me get him anything “special” … such a shame as that watch would be perfect. Really sorry to learn of yet ANOTHER battle with the DWP … I have a couple of friends who have faced, and are facing, the same fight and it is appalling. Really hope it all gets sorted out very soon. Hope you can have a less stressful day today. Love Debbie #25 xXx

  6. Annie

    My plan is to get round everyone today to wish them a very happy 10th anniversary and to thank you for your friendship and lovely comments over the years.
    I loved sharing your happy posts but really feel for you over having to fight for what should be yours. It’s not easy to find the negatives when you spend your days concentrating on the ‘i can do’ parts of it is it?
    Annie x #10

  7. Shaz

    Hi Shoshi, I get PIP, and I didn’t have any problems claiming it at all. All went very smoothly, so don’t get downhearted. Happy Birthday to Hubby, looks like you had a lovely celebration.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  8. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    Hi Soshi, I haven’t been around for a while. Thanks for the updates. The card is so funny – happy birthday to Nicholas! He would make a great character in a pirate movie! The cake looks lush, but I understand your reservations about eating the photo! The watch looks awesome – very steampunky! The slippers are cute and look comfortable as well. You can bet no one else has the same in the world! The kitties are super adorable – love the throw-back pic when they were tiny. Hope you can sort something about your finances. I know it’s painful when they take money away that you used to get. We lost all our tax credits and child benefit back in 2010/2013 respectively and I still feel bitter about that knowing that families with a higher combined income than us are still getting it, but that’s just the way it is, however unfair. Happy anniversary!

  9. Tracey

    Happy belated Birthday to your Hubby, such a edible photo left on his cake! Also Happy Anniversary to you both for Friday hope your day is extra special. How lovely that the kitties share the same day, they sure looked extra cute at 5 weeks.
    Wishing you all the best with your PIP assessment I know how stressful they can be and I have had to be main support for a couple of people who have been put through these ridiculous tests and questions as if one size fits all. I know it’s easy for me to say but try not to get stressed over these upcoming events and form filling & I’m keeping me fingers crossed for you that who ever assesses you has the ability to see for themselves how difficult life can be for you.
    Creative hugs wishing you a lovely weekend ahead & Happy 10th WoywW Anniversary. Tracey #9
    P.S That’s a cool looking chair btw x

  10. Diana Taylor

    Hi Shoshi, what a lot you have going on! I love the card you made for your hubby and I had a real chuckle at his dream – you’ve captured it beautifully – although I guess it needs explanation for anyone looking at the card if they don’t know the story! I have to say your slippers are beyond gorgeous – I would never leave the house if I had those beauties on my feet – you really are a talented lady.
    It looks like you had a great time at the show – I am in love with that wrought iron clock – isn’t it amazing.
    I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles with the DWP. I’ve had a friend who has had to deal with them and she called the whole process de-humanising. I wish you luck with your paper work and hope it is sorted out with minimal fuss and aggravation.
    I hope you have a good week and Happy Anniversary for Friday, and of course Happy Birthday to the two little kitties – I hope you all enjoy your celebrations.
    Diana x

  11. Lindart

    LOVE the birthday card! Made me laugh, and it’s so well done! I love cards that have meaning like that!
    So sorry you have to go through the rigamarole, it’ s only because of people who actually DID try to get what they didn’t deserve that all the honest people have to pay for. Hopefully you will be rewarded for all your hard work.
    That chair looks awesome! Hope you get it!
    Thank you for always being there every week, and commenting on my blog, and commiserating…you are a star! Happy 10th, Lindart #37

  12. Caro Staton

    Love all the positives and the birthday celebrations and the happy photos. So sorry to hear about DLA and PIP. My husband gets what used to be called incapacity benefit, although not DLA, and we had to appeal on more than one occasion. I strongly suggest enlisting the help of a citizens advice bureau. They were so helpful for our appeal. Happy 10 year WOYWW anniversary. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  13. Helen

    I will come back and read in full later, as I have anniversary desks to visit! loving the edible photo how clever is that, and the card you made was perfect. Back later. Helen #1

  14. Dorlene

    Wow a lot of great photos. Happy Birthday to hubby! And Happy 10 years WOYWW! Dorlene #42

  15. Helen

    as promised I have now come back and read it all- PIP is an absolute **%”%”£”$”$ (insert expletive of choice) and I do hope you are accepted – they make it sound such an honour!! I do love your F1 designed chair of choice!! Happy anniversary for Friday and 70th to your hubby and his brother for before. Helen #1(again!)

  16. Cindy Ashplant

    Great card (love the watch!!) and the albums sound like they were very well received! This slippers are just so cute you are a very clever girl. Sorry to hear about your battle with the DWP. I do hope you get the outcome you deserve, the whole thing is quite disgraceful. Be strong. Happy 10th Anniversary, Cindy #44

  17. Sarah Brennan

    Happy anniversary Shoshi (for next week too). Sorry to hear about having to apply for PIP and hope it is not as stressful as it could be. Happy belated birthday to your husband and his twin. I am a twin too and we only really celebrate birthdays ending in 0. The slippers are coming on nicely. Meow to the girls (great card I laughed out loud at the inside). Sarah #3

  18. Stacy

    Ooh Girl ((( Big Hugs ))) I hope there is someone to help you with that form, I feel so nerve wracked reading the process. I keep thinking there should be some group of people that helps people fill it out and such. to better their odds of being accepted. the watch is such a cool timepiece and it looks like a really fun place to visit you went, ~Stacy #35

  19. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi – Happy 10th anniversary. Couldn’t comment yesterday as google and blogger weren’t playing! Congrats on your own anniversary – and to hubby on his 70th. I went to a friend’s 80th yesterday – great fun time. I had to fill in one of those forms with John – they take hours. I remember doing it all “in rough” first and showing it to a friend who owned a care agency. He soon pout the form to rights for us and helped me see that to say “My family help me” wasn’t accurate at all. They might help me… when they are there! But as they live 150 and over 200 miles away, it wasn’t the day to day help which the form was looking for I wish you well with it.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #45

  20. Angela Radford

    Looks like you’ve both had a busy week. I love the watch, it’s gorgeous. Have a great weekend too and happy belated woyww, Angela x19x

  21. Heather Marshall

    Hi Shoshi, sorry for the late visit, we are having internet problems, keeps going off and on! Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary, and a belated happy 70th birthday to your husband. Your birthday card was amazing, I’m sure he loved it! Sorry to hear about your saga with DWP and PIP. I hope it all works out for you. Have a lovely week, Heather x #30

  22. Jukia

    Clever clever with the card and the hang gliding Lily! Funny the dreams that do and don’t stay with us! So glad you’ve all enjoyed a fab birthday party celebration, how lovely. Super pressie, bet your DH was at a loss for words. Sorry to be so late but determined to get around everyone to say Happy WOYWW 10!

  23. Kelly

    Happy WOYWW Anniversary, Soshi. belated Birthday Wishes to hubby. Love the pic of him & Captain Jack Sparrow. And that cartoon is cute! beginning to think it’s ‘talk like a pirate’ day LOL. I am so sorry you’re having to go through the red tape. I keep thinking that if the people who come up with this issue should have to go through the process before making anything a law… a test run if you will. The red tape would shorten up in a hurry, I bet. Hugs & Creative Blessings. Kelly #35

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