You are currently viewing WOYWW 566 Mandala Drawings

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

Well, I can actually say that this week there has been something on my desk for once! – apart from a messy dumping ground, that is.

This is by way of a bit of a break from Celtic knots.

Mandala Drawings

In some ways I would prefer to call these “circular designs” because however beautiful they are, I’m not into the spirituality behind traditional mandalas, but so that people understand what I’m talking about, I shall continue to call them mandalas.

Some time ago, I drew several of these on the iPad, making use of a feature on one of the drawing apps which enables you to repeat what you are drawing several times around a circle. You can set how many repeats you want, and as you start drawing, the app automatically fills the same thing in around the circle. This saves a lot of work, and also gives a perfectly symmetrical result. You may think this is cheating, but you are still doing the original drawing, and I just look on it as a useful tool that saves a great deal of time.

Here is the selection of four drawings that I decided to make use of for this project.

I have done some coloured versions of several of the mandalas on my iPad, using the Procreate app. I would open the original line drawing, and then add the colour on a separate layer, so as to preserve the original for future use.

In this case, however, I wanted to print them out and colour them physically. Another advantage of having digital drawings is that you can print them out whatever size you want. You can, of course, do this with physical drawings, if you scan them into the computer.

Rather than using the whole circle, I decided to use some as quarter circles for this project. I have designed several grid templates in my desktop publishing software, with cutting guides on them, so that all I need to do is drop in any image I want, and resize it to fit the grid, and then print it out. In this case, I dropped the whole circle into the square of the grid, and then cropped it down to a quarter circle which I resized and arranged in the square so that it was in the correct position.

Here are the printouts, having been cut into squares.

This was done on the pull-out unit beside my main desk, which I use as a cutting surface. One of the designs was not cut quite accurately and required a bit of extra trimming – you can see that the card is rectangular and the design is not centred.

As I did before, I needed to paint each one with gesso, but before I could apply any water-based medium, I had to fix the inkjet ink to prevent it from running. I have got an inkjet fixative spray for this.

One of the designs was quite a lot blacker than the others, so I painted this one with white gesso. All the others were done with clear.

As I did before, I sanded each square lightly with a fine-grade sandpaper to reduce the rough tooth of the gessoed surface. If left, this would damage the tips of my brush pens.

Here I have inked the squares using Distress Oxide inks. I started off by using the smooshing method – rubbing the ink pad on my glass media mat, spritzing it with water and then smooshing the card through the ink. This wasn’t working very well so later on, I applied the ink onto the card with a blending tool and then spritzed it with water.

Some of them were definitely overworked and rather messy looking, and sometimes obscuring the drawing. I may not use all of these.

I then made my mistake. When I did my koi carp painting a few weeks ago, I followed the directions of a brilliant artist on Youtube. She coloured the whole background with water-based ink, and then went over the design with a wet brush and lifted off the colour in selected areas, blotting with kitchen paper as she went. This was a great technique. However, this time I forgot about it, and decided to fix what I had done with a spray fixative, so that adding the water-based Tombow dual tip brush pens afterwards wouldn’t interfere with the ink. As soon as I’d done it, I had a real “duh…” moment… I could no longer lift the colour from the designs! I certainly wasn’t prepared to start the whole project again, so I decided instead to touch them up with a little white acrylic pen, using a fine brush. A very laborious process which didn’t work that well. Part of the problem was that it was all too easy to cover over the outline of the design. When you lift the ink with a wet brush, this doesn’t interfere with the design, of course. Anyway, here is the result.

I have now got to decide whether, having added the acrylic paint, I will need to add more gesso or not. I shall do some experimenting and see what happens.

Anyway, that’s as far as I’ve got with this project for now.


Recipe of the Week

Garlic Cannellini Bean Spaghetti with Courgette

I made this yesterday. I altered the recipe slightly so that I could use my high-speed blender to make the sauce. I cooked all the ingredients together for the sauce, and then blended it, the peas included. It was only afterwards that I realised that they had not included the peas in the blend. Not that it matters – my sauce came out nice and green!

The other difference was that after a brief experiment with my vegetable peeler to slice the courgette ribbons, I changed over to my mandolin slicer, using it with a safety glove. Much faster, and better results. I also made this oil-free.

I used 1/2 wholemeal spaghetti. There’s enough for another day. Good nosh!

I have several recipes which use different vegetables to make sauces. Until I educated myself in whole-food plant-based living, I originally made my sauces with a roux base (flour and butter, then adding the milk) and later on, simply used cornflour and dried milk mixed to a paste with a little water, and then topped up with boiling water in the jug, and microwaved till thick. This is a good, fat-free white sauce that can be made sweet or savoury, according to your additions, and which is extremely quick to make.

I now usually use either cannellini beans (which are white), potatoes and/or cashew nuts as the thickening/whitening ingredient. No empty calories that way.

A high-speed blender is the best gadget for most whole-food plant-based recipes but you can use a NutriBullet, a stick blender or a normal liquidiser or food processor to make most of these sauces.

Other things I have made this week:

Savoury Sourdough Pancakes

A useful way of using excess sourdough starter (basically just wholemeal bread flour and water that has been allowed to ferment using the natural yeasts present in the flour and in the air). I dry-sauté some finely chopped veggies first and then stir these into the sourdough starter. I usually add a little almond milk or veg stock, and a little bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and then make tablespoon-full sized pancakes in my non-stick sauté pan. With a bit of salad on the side, they make a really nice supper dish.

There are lots of egg-free pancake recipes online – all very simple to make and all delicious. I ring the changes. Banana ones are brilliant with a drizzle of maple syrup and some chopped nuts. Yum yum.

Kale Caesar Salad

I forgot the croutons until the last minute, which is why they are sprinkled on top and not mixed in! That’s good nosh, too.


Some more lessons in social distancing, feline style.

A nice “yin and yang” variation:

You can see that my hubby has further indulged these babies by the addition of a blanket in my knitting wools box!

Ruby in the rockery. What a pretty tail!

Our garden

My hubby has been working hard in the garden since the lockdown began.

He has fixed the leak in the water feature, and discovered that the pump had also failed, so he ordered a new one. While he was trying to fix the old one, he unfortunately broke off some of the little plants surrounding the water feature. I had just been saying to him how pleased I was that they had all grown up so nicely, and they were forming into a pretty little hedge after he’d trimmed them, and now there’s a horrible ragged gap!! He says he will fix it…

There’s normally an upturned tub in the centre, over which the water flows into the trough. My hubby got all the “ingredients” for this water feature either on Ebay, or at the garden centre.

He also decided to tackle the pretty little bench which he recently moved up onto the lawn. It used to be outside the kitchen window, but since he made me a larger herb garden there was no longer any room for it. I said I really liked it on the lawn. The top of it was broken, and he has now taken advantage of all this lovely time on his hands to fix it! It is beginning to look really nice now. A couple of years ago he reinforced the underneath, and although it still flexes rather alarmingly when he sits on it, it is at least safe now!

Beside it you can see the pedestal for the sundial, which blew off in the storm a few weeks ago and broke. My hubby is in the process of mending this, too. He is going to stick it onto the pedestal rather than just balancing it on top, but I told him not to do that until I can set it in the right position on a sunny day! This pedestal was also made from recycled materials – the square base is a terracotta planter, upside down, and the top is the broken base of a concrete urn. He assembled it and painted it, and then I gave him some yoghurt to paint onto it to try and encourage some nice natural growth on it! It’s not looking too bad.

I had to show you another picture of the primrose bank after last week – many more violets have now come out, and they are spreading right along the bank! They are so pretty. I also love the ferns that grow on the bank. In the top left of the photo you can see some harts-tongue ferns unfurling, and we also have the common male fern. The primroses are continuing to delight us!

At the top of the garden, in front of the garage, we’ve got a narrow place to walk along, with the compost heaps at the end, a large bay tree on the right, and the rhubarb, which is coming along nicely now.

This area of the garden was one of the favourite places of one of our old kitties, Phoebe – we always said she was a grubby little tyke – she loved sleeping in the compost! Nice and warm, I suppose, with all that decomposition going on!! She used to come in smelling of it.

Finally, a picture of our gorgeous Photinia Red Robin hedge. It’s looking particularly glorious with all the new growth.

In the background, in front of the summer house, you can see the upturned planter tub that my hubby used for the water feature.

Further lockdown news

Yesterday morning my hubby called me upstairs to sit with him at his laptop. His brother’s family were all there, on Zoom! We had a great chat all together, and I got the first sight of our new great-nephew. Isn’t technology wonderful? My hubby is attending his Slimming World meetings via Zoom now.

We are praying for our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, at present in intensive care in St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, where he was admitted with breathing difficulties with the corona virus. He is very fit, and a fighter, and we have every hope that he will soon be restored to health. I have been very moved by some of the comments on the YouTube videos I’ve been watching, quoting Scripture and writing out prayers for him. I have also been utterly sickened by some of the comments by people who are rejoicing at his illness and wishing him dead. Whatever one thinks of the political views of any of our politicians, in the name of common humanity we would not wish them to come to any harm. This crisis is certainly separating the sheep from the goats, isn’t it.

I am continuing to struggle with the non-availability of delivery slots from Tesco, although I’m OK for the next couple of weeks. I am very fortunate in having my hubby here – he will always go to Sainsbury’s to pick up things, but I don’t want to put him at risk any more than necessary.

Health Update

Still nothing from the hospital about my operation, but given the circumstances, I think I can whistle in the wind for that one to happen this year. Fortunately things are pretty stable, and I am hoping it won’t get too much worse in the meantime. My next bladder appointment with the physio, which was to take place tomorrow, has been cancelled along with all outpatient clinics. My goodness, what a backlog there’s going to be once things get back onto a more normal footing!

Hoping and praying that everyone is continuing to stay safe and well, and adjusting to the very unusual circumstances we find ourselves in at present.

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. LLJ

    I adore those mandalas! And they’re even better cut into the quadrants, so smart and perfect for cards. And while I like the coloured versions, the black and white ones really float my boat! Hope you’re both keeping safe and well,
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  2. Sarah Brennan

    Fabulous looking meals Shoshi and the garden is coming along so well too. Hope hubby can do something with the ‘hedge’ round the water feature. I am waiting on an MRI appointment but I am not holding my breath either until things are more back to normal. Love the start of your mandala project. I am sure you will get over your OOPS (Outstanding Opportunity Presenting Suddenly) and the finished pieces will be great. Meow to Ruby and Lily. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  3. sandra de

    Beautiful mandalas and clever problem solving to start adding some white highlights. I had one of those moments when I looked at your garden pics. I have just planted 2 rhubarb plants near our Bay tree and was talking to DH about fixing the garden seat. It never ceases to astound me when I witness appalling behaviour. Prayers for your Prime Minister and stay safe with the cutest kitties.
    Sandra de @13

  4. Christine

    What wonderful photos!! Our garden is not up to much, we made the mistake of letting the chickens out for a run on several days last year and then realised they were digging up and eating lots of my plants. I really appreciated seeing your garden, the photinia hedge is gorgeous! Tell DH to keep up the good work with the repairs, love the recycling.
    have a good week and stay safe.
    Christine #25

  5. shazsilverwolf

    Hi Shoshi, fab mandalas. They look amazing. Like Jan, I love the black and white ones. Lovely to see all the garden photos, all looking very pretty. Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #10 X

  6. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi. Good to hear you are both staying well – and that hubby is doing so much around and in the garden. Brilliant. The photinia is looking magnificent. You have certainly been having fun with your circular pictures – well done on all the differing techniques you have tried on them.
    I agree no-one, whatever their political persuasion needs to be saying such awful things. I spent a particularly wakeful night on Monday, finding myself praying each time I awoke, praying for the Prime Minister, the Government, for wisdom, for strength…. yes, you get the picture! meant I didn’t achieve much yesterday apart from snoozing in front of the tv!!! Oh well, there we go.
    Take care of yourselves. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  7. sue jones

    Your mandalas or circles are beautiful . I love the violets and primroses in your garden so pretty . Take Care and Keep safe Soojay #18

  8. Tracey

    There’s lots of calm creating to be had with all those manadalas I always love to see images and shapes offset the corners remind me of all that is lovely in lace. Have fun continuing to develop them how ever you choose it will be lovely no matter the outcome.
    The cannelinni recipe looks great I know both me & my daughter would love that. It’s good that you have hubby to go get your shopping I know some that have no one at all. I’m doing my bit as best as i’m able for my family but I too worry what I may pick up along the way & possibly bring back into those homes.
    Your never going to part those sweet kitties and who would ever want too… stay safe & keep on creating.
    Happy WoywW & extra special Easter blessing being sent your way Tracey #24 x

  9. Helen Lindfield

    I am cooking my dinner (must go check it) and am hungry…your meals aren’t helping lol!! the drawings look fabulous – they remind me of the spirograph toy I had as a kid, used to love making patterns with that. I think they all look gorgeous. I agree about the comments about Boris – words fail me! Take care, stay safe. Hope hubby fixes the plants……. xxx Helen #1

  10. Heather marshall

    Hi Shosui, your post has reminded me I have a mandala colouring book somewhere. I think Mr M bought it me whilst I had my 3 week stay in hospital. Colouring is the one thing I find very therapeutic that I don’t need to think about. I like all the mandala you have done. The colours look fab on all of them. Great garden photos too – I’m hoping to spend some of the Easter break doing some much needed gardening. Our veg garden is completely empty. Haven’t planted anything in it, as it was boarded up whilst some maintenance work was completed in the garden. It’s not a large one – just 2 mtrs x 1 mtr, but I did grow some sprouts, potatoes and something else in it last year. I’m not green fingered – but try my best. I love the colour on your photinia – we planted one on our embankment two years ago, and it is certainly thriving, but not as colourful as yours. My next hospital appointments are later in the year – they haven’t been cancelled yet, but I’m half expecting them to be, as there will be a backlog. Have a lovely week and stay safe, Heather xx #27

  11. Angela Radford

    Hi Shoshi, garden looking good and loving the Mandaras. Kitties looking happy and content so all’s good there too. Wishing you a happy woyww and a lovely creative week. Angela x15x

  12. Cindy Ashplant

    I love those mandalas and the kitties of course are as always super cute! I haven’t tried zoom yet, but have discovered that you can have a group video chat in Whatsapp so we have plans for a virtual family get together at the w/e. Thank goodness for technology, it’s such a lifeline in these difficult times!! Stay home, stay safe, stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #26

  13. Lilian B

    Thank you for your visit to my blog,

    I love all your work,, the colours are stunning, It must have taken a long time to colour them so well.

    Take care and stay safe and well

  14. Marit

    I love your mandala’s and I have the same feeling about them as you do: not spiritualy but I love the shapes. I have a ‘mandala colouring book’ and when my mojo is gone or when I feel down, I start colouring to get that ‘Zen-mood’ back again, it usually works. And oh, that ceasar-salad… such a good idea to make that when the weather is nice and sunny as it is overhere… thanks for the tip! Stay healty, safe and creative. Hug from Holland, Marit #23

  15. Carolyn Staton

    Those Mandalas are gorgeous and your kitties are adorable as ever, and your garden is stunning. My husband found that the way to get a Tesco slot is to log onto it at midnight which is when they release the next lot of deliveries. It is three weeks in advance but by doing this he has managed to get us a slot once every 7-9 days which is great…it may be worth a try. Take care and stay safe my friend. Happy Belated WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#20)

  16. Angela

    Hi Shoshi, I did enjoy a little tour of your garden, the bank is so pretty and your red hedge is stunning. Really love your mandalas, would you share which app it was please. Love the designs and the coloured ones. The only clear gesso I have tried was terribly gritty. As usual your kitties are beautiful, would you mind if I used your photographs to draw from? x Angela #35

  17. Julia

    Well I don’t see any mistakes in the mandala production! I think they look fab and could easily find a use for all, even the ones that you feel are a bit submerged by the colours! Fascinating process. Love that it all starts with a (virtual) pencil, clever you!

  18. Angela

    Hello again Shoshi, thank you for your lovely reply. I have been thinking about Procreate for a long while (I do a lot of thinking before buying ?). I have another vintage card today on my blog and some crosses. A couple are Celtic designs, I do have problems getting the lines smooth when I scan in my hand drawings and turn them into digital. My grand daughter does a lot of digital drawing which I guess Procreate is good for. Have a great Easter x Angela #35

  19. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    Hi Shoshi! Sorry I couldn’t visit earlier – things got a bit crazy at work (even though I have the luxury of working from home) these days. I totally love those colourful mandalas with their super inky backgrounds. The photos of your kitties always make me go ‘awww’ – they look so soft and you can hardly tell where one ends and the other one begins! It was also nice to see Phoebe again, although I forgot what she looked like – I thought it was an impostor (which is a name we give to all our the neighbour’s cats who invade our patch LOL. Lovely dishes – caesar salad is one of my favourites. We’ll have to brave Tesco’s soon as well. We’ve been putting it off so far, sustaining ourselves on whatever we could find in the cupboards but our supplies are running out. I’m not looking forward to queuing that’s for sure – we’ll just go at night when everything will be out of stock! Hopefully we’ll go back to some sort of normality soon, though we’re doing fine apart from the shopping. Keep safe and Happy Easter Monday – if it’s still not too late! xx

  20. Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith

    PS. I’m so glad Boris is out of hospital now – I was seriously worried about him. This might be the best thing that ever happened to the NHS – I don’t think that he will forget that they saved his life! We’ll just have to get the country back on its feet when the lock-down is over. Might be tough going though…

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