The First Post of 2022

Health Update I had a surprise phone call on Friday from the Exeter hospital, totally out of the blue. It has been so long since I heard anything since my initial referral three years ago, and due to getting lost in their system for months after my initial appointment and subsequent CT scan…


2021 The Year in Review

The downward spiral In 2020 we longed for the normality of 2019. In 2021 we thought that perhaps 2020 hadn’t been so bad after all. “Three weeks to flatten the curve”? Hmm. The majority are ruled by fear and are willingly giving up their basic freedoms and submitting to totalitarianism. However, for the…


WOYWW 647 Stamping Jig, Perplexing Paper Patchwork, Stash Old and New, and More Inkscape Fun

What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Personalised stamp jig On Thursday afternoon I went through all the cards I'd made recently, and stamped my "Handmade by..." stamp on the backs of them. I used the jig I made according to Jennifer McGuire's instructions and it works an absolute treat! I made it about…


Ink Techniques by Jennifer McGuire

This week I have been experimenting with a couple of techniques demonstrated by Jennifer McGuire on YouTube. My results have not been stellar so far, but I'm on the road to success! Distress Ink Transfer The first was her Distress Ink Transfer technique. I was intrigued by this and thought her results were…