Artwork and garments made from or incorporating fibre and textile.
Just to warn you - this is a very long post, but persevere, because among the many photos, there may be something that you find interesting. Plenty of different styles for different tastes! On Thursday 26th September I went to the Creative Crafts Show at the County Showground at Westpoint, just outside Exeter.…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Good stuff first... Teabag bleaching I have made some progress with my teabag bleaching project. After doing a bit more online research, I found that you can make a paste with bleach and bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). Apparently the bicarb enhances the action of the bleach…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? My studio is, as always these days, an abandoned mess... I have been in my office this week though - a small annexe to the studio - doing the monthly accounts. A real chore and always hard to get my head around, and I tend to procrastinate...…
What's On my Workdesk this Wednesday? Same as last week - a mess. Also, like last week, my creativity has been away from the studio, in the kitchen and on my lap in the sitting room working on Phase 2 of my Eco Project. Eco Project Phase 2: Make-Up Remover Pads I have…
Better late than never for WOYWW! I've had a very busy couple of days. Slippers I've managed to do a few more stitches on my slippers this week. Not a lot, but progress of a sort! Brilliant news Last week I had a surprise phone call to say that my new wheelchair would…
It's been a couple of weeks since I've done a WOYWW post. I haven't had time to even think about the WOYWW 10th anniversary... Life has been busy and full of superlative ups and stressful downs. Let's start with some of the ups. Desky stuff included! My hubby's 70th birthday My hubby and…
Well, here we are with another WOYWW - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. So what's on YOUR workdesk this week? As usual, my real desk (in the studio) remains a dumping ground but I have been doing other creative stuff, namely working on my famous slippers that you are all so anxious to…
WOYW - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday WOYWW - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. I know we always say it, but goodness, another week has gone by! We are now moving towards the end of April. Frightening, isn't it. There will soon be Christmas lights up. So - what's on my workdesk this…
WOYWW - What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? My workdesk for this week's WOYWW has been my computer - working on my new blog. This has turned out to be very complicated and after a couple of false starts, I think I am on my way now. It's very slow, because I don't really…