You are currently viewing WOYWW 563 Bleaching Teabags Again, and Knitted Bunting

What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

Teabag Bleaching

I’ve been bleaching teabags again! You may remember a few months ago I had virtually given up on this project because I couldn’t get a satisfactory result. The other day I had a new idea – to use the Clorox Bleach Pen on the wooden blocks as before, but instead of just printing and then immediately lifting the block, I decided to leave the block in place for a few hours. This has yielded much more satisfactory results!

The stuff has been lying around on the table and by the sink in the “wet” area of my studio all this time, cluttering up the place and increasingly annoying me, so perhaps now I can really get on with it and clear the space.

Here are my latest results.

The second batch wasn’t quite so good because I was impatient and removed the blocks a bit sooner than perhaps I should. Stamps with less detail definitely seem to work better.

Celtic Knots

No fresh Celtic knots this week because I’ve been busy with other things. However, I shall be doing some more in due course.

Knitted Bunting

At the craft show I went to recently, which was held at the County Showground, there was a stand for the Devon County Show. The ladies there were promoting an initiative to celebrate this year’s show, which will be the 125th and to mark the event, they are getting people to knit bunting, to make the longest knitted bunting in the world! Their hope is to get into the Guinness Book of Records. They were handing out free patterns, so I thought I’d make a few.

There wasn’t a tension guide, but they gave the maximum dimensions for each flag – the horizontal top measurement and the diagonal, for two different sizes. The pattern was clearly designed to be made up in garter stitch which I don’t like, because I love making up patterns in stocking stitch. I made a small one first, in a plain colour just to see how things worked out.

Then I made two more in the larger size, this time with some colour variation. Each time they came out too narrow and too long.

Rather than trying to fudge their pattern to fit my method of doing it, I’ve re-drafted the pattern on graph paper. The design on the left is drafted from their original pattern, and the one on the right is my amended one.

From this, I made my first successful one.

I’m drafted several other patterns to produce a bit of variety, and I shall enjoy knitting these up.

To stop the stocking stitch edges from curling, I’m going to run a row of double crochet around the edges. The ladies said that we could add embellishments on the surface, and also in the form of tassels etc. on the pointed end, and I’ve got lots of ideas for this! I’ve got to get my skates on because the deadline for submitting them is next month, in time for them to make up the bunting for the show in the third week in May.

There are two variations of the pattern apart from the two sizes; the first is very simple, just a knitted triangle, and the second incorporates a row of eyelets across the top for the insertion of the tape. This is the one I am doing, partly because I think it will be easier for them to mount them, and partly because it makes them a bit more interesting and challenging to knit. They are worked in DK so they make up quite quickly, especially as you are decreasing all the time until you reach the tip of the flag.

It’s a great project because every knitter has oddments of yarn to use up, in lots of colours, and each one doesn’t take long to work so you don’t get bored with it. The flags are not too complicated to knit, but they are more interesting to do than blanket squares. Using stocking stitch also introduces the opportunity for a bit more adventurous designing – right up my street!

I’m really looking forward to seeing the final display – bunting is so bright and festive and fun! It should be quite a spectacle. After the show, they are going to sell off lengths of the bunting, and the proceeds will go to farming charities.


No recipe of the week this week because although I’ve done quite a bit of cooking, it’s mostly stuff I’ve done before. Here’s another picture of the Brown Rice and Green Bean Miso Salad I made a few weeks ago – we had it for lunch yesterday. As you can see, I served it with a green leafy salad (lettuce, rocket, baby spinach, parsley), and both salads had oil-free dressings. You can put whatever you like in this salad – whatever you happen to have in the fridge. I only had 1/4 of a red pepper left so I added more colour with tomatoes and some finely sliced carrot.

My hubby had an MOT for 70 year-olds at the doctor’s surgery recently, and they told him he should join a slimming club!! I wasn’t too enthusiastic about this, because all he needs to do is to eat only the food that I prepare and the weight should fall off, but as he supplements this with junk food of his choice between meals (out of range of my beady little eye!!) he has not merely stayed the same weight, but has actually put on more weight. Anyway, he signed up to a local Slimming World group and came back with loads of bumph which I went through, and I ended up being pleasantly surprised at how good it seemed to be. Their approach is very much along the lines of whole-food plant-based in the sense that they concentrate on satiety – filling up with good stuff so you don’t feel hungry – calorie-counting diets always fail because people get bored with them, and end up being hungry enough to eat the sofa. Slimming World don’t go far enough in my opinion, though, because they include things like eggs and cheese which are notoriously high in fat and raise one’s dangerous LDL cholesterol levels, and of course they include meat, although they do cater for vegetarians. It’s a step in the right direction, though, and I was impressed with the professional standard of the literature and the presentation; their website is also excellent, with lots of personal goal-setting, motivation and encouragement. Unfortunately my hubby isn’t one for forums or social media so he won’t avail himself of the online community which can be so encouraging, but the local group will provide that – as soon as they resume meeting. Yesterday’s meeting and the ones for the foreseeable future have been cancelled due to the current health crisis.

I think being in a group is good because one is accountable to a certain extent to the other members; you all support one another in the quest to lose weight.

I typed up a crib sheet for the leader of the group, detailing the foods that I prepare at home, so that she has an idea of what my hubby consumes on a regular basis – according to their system, nearly everything on our menu comes under the “free” heading in their plan – foods that you can eat as much as you like of, without worrying.

He has to keep a daily diary of each meal, and the book doesn’t give much room for this, so I’ve designed a chart template on the computer and I’m keeping a record of each meal that we have. If he’s going to be out for lunch, I send him out with a nice hearty healthy salad, and eat the same myself at home. He seems motivated enough not to fall off the wagon since joining the group, and as the weight starts to come off, it will prove what I’ve said all along about what I’ve been feeding him! During his first week he lost 7 lb, but this isn’t a rate that can usually be sustained; at the beginning there’s always quite a significant weight loss but it tends to plateau out with time.

Their system seems to be very much a lifestyle choice rather than a diet, very much like the whole-food plant-based system. This is sustainable.

Last week he came home with a beautiful recipe book that he bought at the group – the Slimming World vegetarian book. I am working my way through it, noting down the recipes I want to make.

Because of the virus scare, people are panic buying and also choosing to shop online, so this week, I was quite unable to get a delivery slot at my usual time, and my weekly order has had to be delayed until Thursday. This means that I have had to delay some of my cooking on my weekly meal plan because I am waiting for the ingredients. At the end of the week I shall start making up some of the new recipes and will report on this in due course – in some cases I shall substitute ingredients to make them vegan, and will omit all the oil (mostly it’s just low calorie cooking spray) but generally speaking the recipes do fit in with our lifestyle.

I was dead set against him doing this to start with because I felt it was completely undermining what I’ve been trying to do all these months (without success because he wasn’t properly engaged with it), but now, I can really see the benefits. If this is something he feels he can commit to (and being a man, it’s better because it’s HIS idea rather than mine lol lol!!!) and at the same time, I can continue to do what I’ve been doing all along. It’s win-win, all the way! I wish him well with his endeavours and feel sure that once he’s lost a significant amount, he will feel motivated to stick to this new way of life. He really does enjoy all the food I cook, though, and has been singing my praises to various people – I do get feedback!

New Herb Garden

A few years ago my hubby constructed a raised herb bed for me outside the kitchen. It went across the corner and was made of wood with compartments for the different herbs. Last autumn the bottom fell out of it! – completely rotted through, so he made me a new one, this time quite a bit larger. Last week he went to the garden centre and bought some new herbs to put in it, to supplement the ones left over from last year, some of which may grow up again.

I have mint in several pots by the back door, and also a nice big rosemary bush in a pot. This is covered with pretty purple flowers at the moment.

Along the back of the house, leading up to the garden proper, we’ve got a gorgeous grassy bank full of ferns and wild things, and it’s starting to look lovely now, with the primroses coming out, and the daffodils in troughs in front. A bit later on, there will be wild violets. There are lavender bushes along the top.


My hubby’s knee-warming blankets have suddenly become a new favourite place for the kitties.

Ruby in a nest.

Being lifted down onto the floor.

Asleep as usual in the chair in the flat. They do like to be close together!

Have a great creative week, everybody, and keep safe and well.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Sarah Brennan

    Well done on your hubby wanting to lose weight. I have lost a stone since January by sticking to a low salt diet and cutting out all junk food. Stay safe at this scary time. Meow to the kitties. Love those bunting pieces and patterns – I do hope the show isn’t cancelled and the record comes off. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. shazsilverwolf

    Hi shoshi, love the herb garden, looks amazing. I’d think there is going to be a possibility the Devon Show will get cancelled- loads are at the moment. Bunting is looking good. People up here are saying it’s al,ost impossible to book delivery slots , many having to wait 3 weeks! Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  3. Marit

    These are strange times and all we can do is sit, craft and wait… and enjoy our gardens or balconies… I do love your herb garden and have plans for a herb garden on my balcony (so it has to be small or against the wall, which is my latest idea) We’re not homebound completely in Holland (we are still alowed to go outside) but social isolation, yes. And the place I work closed its doors (as do the schools, pubs, restaurants and most shops) and since I cannot do my work at home, I am unemployed now. It feels strange to have no job all of a sudden… I can’t seem to get myself to being creative today. I’m glad I have my online friends to visit! Take care, stay healthy! Big virtual hug from the Netherlands! Marit #21

  4. LLJ

    Those bleached teabags work really well! They remind me very much of the medieval floor tiles you get in churches and cathedrals. And the bunting is great fun, the end result will be marvellous – you are good blocking them out but the result is so much better.
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  5. Belinda

    I’m drooling looking at your photo of the brown rice and green bean goodness! You always have yummy food. I hope your husband will be successful with his new diet. He is blessed to have you making all the goodness you make.
    The teabags look really cool and the knitting is so great. I haven’t knitted in years and afraid I won’t remember. But I never did anything sophisticated like that beauty. I love your raised herb garden. I might suggest my husband make me one so that I can use my raised beds strictly for veggies. I love seeing garden pictures so thank you for sharing. I can’t wait for the garden season to begin.
    Stay well.
    Belinda #30

  6. Helen Lindfield

    as always a really interesting post.. I hope when your food delivery does come, it has everything you ordered in it…. I went to the supermarket after work tonight on my way home – it looked like they were having a closing down sale there was so little on the shelves! I love your flags – I hope you get to see them at the show and it doesn’t go the way of so much else so far! Stay safe! Helen #3

  7. Angela Radford

    Great projects today and loving the tea bags. The kitties look comfy and the new herb garden looks nice too. Take care and happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

  8. Neet Hickson

    Wow, Slimming World Shoshi Way (SWSW not WOYWW) – love how you have dealt with it and I quite agree he will stick to it if he thinks it is his idea. Men and cats – think about it! Two stubborn species.
    Keep going with the bleaching, it looks so much better this time and also the Celtic Knots which I missed this week. Mind you you are so busy with the knitting and I love how you have made plans for putting extra colour into the pennants. Good for you – you are so clever with this.
    Well, last but not least your kitties, they warm my heart and it does me good to see them especially so in the coming weeks when I am sure we will need cheer in our lives.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx
    ps love your herb garden

  9. Julia

    Slimming World is a phenomenally successful weight loss/lifestyle ‘program’. The food diary is filled in for 4 weeks and submitted to the consultant so that he/she can see that the member has got to grips with understanding and using the program and it can be helpful for a knowing eye to spot any ‘mistakes’ that maybe getting in the way of a weight loss. It works, for sure, when you embrace it. I am a serial member!!
    The teabags are looking good..I wonder where out of the blue the idea to just stand the stamps on the bags for a period of time came from…isn’t it amazing how our minds are processing even when we don’t know it! Enjoy the bunting, it looks fun.

  10. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi. Knitting bunting sounds fun. I like the design you have already done. I’m late visiting ‘cos blogger wasn’t playing fair, and not allowing me to comment!!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  11. Heather marshall

    Hi Shoshi, knitting is a skill I never acquired, despite my late mother’s best endeavours to teach me. Well done on working out an adaptation of the pattern to produce the correct size. Your new herb garden looks very professional – my hubby would be a tad envious so I’ll make sure to show him a picture and he can get creative in his workshop (when his employer tells him and his colleagues to stay at home). The slimming world saga is so funny how you tell it – so basically he is now eating the same food you lovingly prepared for him previously, but he is now losing weight because it was his idea to join slimming world, not by him cutting out his sneaky junk food! So funny, but if it works, then it works. Stay safe, and have a lovely week Heather xx #13

  12. Lindart

    Hi Soshi! Glad you are doing well, love the knitting! I can knit, but only following someone else’s directions, not making up my own – that’s some talent! Now, about hubby’s diet. Why is it (and isn’t it nice for them) the men always have someone looking after their eating, cooking for them, writing down what they eat, keeping tabs, when we have to do it all for ourselves? I think it would be much easier to lose weight if someone else were doing all the cooking, worrying and recording. Sometimes I wish I were a man! You are a saint. That said, big hugs to Lily and Ruby, they look so comfy and warm! Have a great week, Lindart #26

  13. Carolyn Staton

    I’m glad you had success with tea bag bleaching in the end. Slimming world is great (although I fell off the wagon when Dad died and still haven’t got back on it again) and makes sense in terms of what they are trying to do. Loving your kitties! Take care my friend. Happy belated WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)

  14. Tracey

    Your woollen bunting will look super Shoshi, I am very fond of bunting. I’m very envious of your herb garden, it’s in my plans for the future to have a raised herb garden something I’ve wanted since we moved to this house over 20 years ago, hope you enjoy that veggie book i’ve made and adapted many a meal for the family using it, invaluable after my Hubby had his heart attack.
    Take care in these troubled times & Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey xx

  15. Diana Taylor

    I am loving the bleached teabags – what a success story – I have you to thank for my obsession with them!
    The knitted bunting is great and would be fab in Christmas colours for winter decoration. Good luck to your hubby with his new eating plan – I had to laugh about you saying he will stick to it if it’s his idea – I have a hubby like that! Your herb garden is looking wonderful – I love the design and what a good idea having it on legs – my bad knee is making it harder to garden at ground level.
    Stay safe and well in these challenging times,
    Diana xx

  16. Angela Hoynes

    Love you kitties as usual 🙂 Your herb garden is such a wonderful idea, unfortunately since we started being away with the caravan such a lot, nothing survives unless it’s in the ground. I have one very straggly lavender, I just love the scent. It needs something doing or perhaps new ones, if I could get out! The bleached teabags are great, I did some bleaching on fabric once, love the effect.
    I could get on to Julia’s today so here is my link: Stay safe, Angela x

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