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What’s On Your Workdesk this Wednesday?

Celtic Knot Motifs

This week I’ve been working on the Celtic knot motifs again, this time using the Procreate drawing app on the iPad. I wanted to try and create a metallic gold look and think I’ve semi-succeeded!

This is the first rendering.

I experimented a bit, adding different coloured backgrounds.

I thought they would be improved with the addition of shadows, so I added these in the version with a grey-green background.

I also thought a textured background might add some more interest. I achieved this by importing some free downloads of textures from the Internet, as a new layer. I put this layer at the bottom of the stack just above the default background layer, and then duplicated it, moving the duplicate to the top of the stack and adding a “multiply” adjustment. This added the texture to the motifs so that they looked more as if they had been painted on the background rather than just added on, although the shadows do make them look as if they are floating above the surface.

The first one was a textured paper effect, which also looks a bit like fabric.

The second one was on a crumpled paper effect background.

I definitely want to spend more time playing with these effects.

Knitted bunting

I’ve done a couple more since last week – another ombre effect one, this time in pinks and reds:

and the other an intarsia heart.

Unfortunately I didn’t have any dark grey-blue wool for the shadow so I had to do it in black, which is a bit strong. It was a bit of a pain knitting this one because of all the colours involved in one row, but I took Kaffe Fasset’s advice to “use manageable lengths.”

It now looks almost inevitable that the County Show will be either cancelled or postponed, but I shall go on making the bunting for the time being, and hope for the best.


Recipe of the week

Seeded Oatcakes

This is a very simple recipe, which I adapted somewhat. I used medium oatmeal rather than grinding rolled oats, and I rolled out the dough a bit thinner and cut out the oatcakes with a cookie cutter rather than pressing out a large circle and cutting it into triangles. I baked them only the once, at a slightly lower temperature and for a shorter time and they came out very crisp, so no need for the second baking.

These oatcakes are fat free. What holds the dough together is the chia seeds which exude a gelatinous substance when wet – ground chia seeds make a good egg substitute in many vegan recipes – when adding the water to the dough, it was very sticky, but after leaving it to stand for about five minutes to allow the chia seeds to do their magic, it firmed up nicely. You don’t need any oil or baking parchment on the baking sheet because they don’t stick at all. They are deliciously crunchy and tasty with all the seeds – chia, flax, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame – and you can eat as many as you like without gaining weight because the oats contain unrefined carbohydrate. They are also gluten free for anyone with gluten intolerance.

I am going to try making them again, slightly thicker, and minus all the seeds except the chia, to produce a more conventional, softer oatcake like the ones I usually buy. It’s nice to experiment with recipes and get different variations. My favourite way to eat oatcakes is with marmalade. For some time now I’ve been making sugar-free marmalade with Mamade prepared Seville oranges, sweetened with stevia and thickened with chia seeds. However, oatcakes go well with many things, both sweet and savoury.

I am going to have to make some more pretty soon, because they are going down very quickly!


In the current crisis I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting hold of my regular delivery slot from Tesco, because they are all being snapped up by people who usually shop in the store. Tesco sent out an email to all their online customers with details of the measures they are taking to help everyone to cope, and they recommended that those who are able should go to the physical store to shop, thus freeing up the delivery slots for the housebound and elderly. However, recommendations don’t cut much ice with people who won’t do things unless they are forced to! As a result, there are no delivery slots left for next week so my hubby is going to have to go to Sainsbury’s for me to do the weekly shop.

Last week, there were loads of things not available, but this week (yesterday’s delivery) it wasn’t so bad. They are limiting people to only three of each item which is helping. My hubby did pop down to Sainsbury’s to get the few things Tesco didn’t have, and he said they seemed to be quite well stocked. There were very few customers in the shop. Last week he went to the oldies’ slot (7 a.m. for the over 70s) and he said every OAP in town was there – it was packed! I think people are calming down a bit now, and there seems to be less panic buying, probably because their houses are full to the gunnels with all the stuff they’ve bought. Last week my delivery driver told me he’d heard of a woman who had bought FOUR fridge freezers, and you couldn’t buy a freezer for love nor money anywhere! I wonder how people sleep at night… especially if they’ve had to thow out the bed in order to make room for all the freezers. It’s crazy.

Now we are on full lock-down, we shall have to see how things pan out. My hubby also picked up my prescription from the pharmacy yesterday morning, and he said they were only letting one person into the shop at a time, and social distancing was being rigorously enforced. I think we will all manage OK on an individual basis as long as the vulnerable have kind neighbours and friends to make sure they are all right, and to do any shopping for them. What we need is the WW2 blitz spirit. It seems that this crisis is bringing out both the best and the worst in people; there are numerous accounts of kindness and consideration which restore one’s faith in human nature, but on the other hand, there are also stories of gangs of youths spitting and coughing in the faces of elderly people, and drilling holes in the tyres of ambulances, which only shatter one’s faith in human nature again… What is the matter with people??!! There are even people saying they hope all the old people will die of it because they are the ones who voted for Brexit!! This world is truly getting ever more crazy day by day. Signs of the times…

My hubby’s Slimming World group is now taking place via something called Zoom, which I hadn’t heard of before – a video conferencing app. This is very good because they can keep the mutual support of the group going. The leader is very pleased with his progress but he’s being fairly low key about it because some of the other members are really struggling with the current crisis and have gained weight – so many people turn to food for comfort when they are stressed, and he didn’t want to make things worse for them. He keeps saying to me how fortunate he is because he doesn’t have to provide his own food, with me to do it for him! Others in the group are finding shopping really hard because they are out at work and by the time they get to the supermarket there’s not much good stuff left, so it’s hard to stick at a healthy diet. This week he put new holes in his belt and has been taking things in!! I promised him that when he’s thin, I shall treat him to a new set of clothes!

Anyway, I hope all of you in our arty-crafty community is coping OK and are remaining safe and well, and managing to get everything you need.


Our girlies are totally oblivious to what is going on in the world around them! They are happy playing in the garden, and eating and sleeping.  Here is Ruby enjoying last week’s favoured sleeping place – my hubby’s blankets.

This is now out of favour. She was the first to discover the latest favourite sleeping place – my wool box.

It didn’t take Lily long to follow suit.

It’s rather lumpy on the stiff brown paper over all the balls of wool! The other night my hubby was rummaging in the box for a particular colour I wanted which was right underneath Ruby, and she refused to move! They seem to spend most of the time in there at the moment, and as well as sleeping, a fair amount of mutual washing goes on – well, it’s mostly Ruby washing Lily. Lily is the #1 kitty so I think she expects Ruby, as #2, to do all the work. Ruby gets her own back by lying on top of her sister most of the time, though.

Have a safe, healthy and creative week ahead, everyone.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Llj

    I like the drop shadow on the intarsia heart, what a difference it makes! And the Celtic knots do look very metallicy indeed (don’t know if that’s a proper word but I like it!)
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  2. Diana Taylor

    I do love celtic knots – I have some similar looking rubber stamps that I haven’t used for absolutely years but am now feeling I want to find them and have a play! You’ve achieved the gold effect beautifully and I particularly like them on the burgundy background – the shadows are very effective too and I like the way the textured paper just shows through the pattern – very cleverly done.
    I hope you have luck with your Tesco deliveries, I think as you say things are calming down a little now – I don’t think people will be able to sustain the high levels of anxiety and panic buying that we’ve been seeing. It has been rather ridiculous. Lovely to see the kitties without a care in the world!
    Stay safe and well ,
    Diana x #22

  3. Helen Lindfield

    I did wonder if you were ok with food shopping. I tried to get an online order together – for several days the site was down full stop then this morning I could get stuff in a trolley but no slots to book it out…. so I wil have to go to the shop next week or at the weekend. we’ll see how the social distancing bears up at the weekend….. I heard several stories about freezers selling out… what a people like!! may they rot in…… well it’s not charitable to say but!!! have a good week. thanks for visiting. Helen #5

  4. Cindy Ashplant

    Hi Shoshi, thanks for your earlier visit. No idea how you are doing those celtic knots but they look pretty cool! The kitties are just adorable. I’m a regular on line shopper and I’ve just carried on as usual. I’ve been very lucky getting my slots and also getting everything in my basket – the scenes at supermarkets have been horrific and some people are so selfish – I’ve heard about the freezers too! Beggars belief. I have to admit we were ahead with the whole toilet roll fiasco – that was one thing I had stocked up for the kids when we went to Spain at the end of Jan as I knew it was something they wouldn’t think about. But when we got back they had hardly made a dent in it, which is hardly surprising as I’m probably the one in the loo every five minutes!! So we had our own little stash in advance of the shortages and have been able to manage just fine. Good to hear hubby is doing well at WW!. So lovely to catch up, stay safe, stay well Happy WOYWW Cindy

  5. Angela Radford

    The animals don’t have any idea what is going on as long as they get their dinner and treats but last week we couldn’t get dog biscuits, i cannot understand people. It was a bit difficult to begin with getting stuff for us and my parents but we do have carers cards which most stores are starting to understand. A friend of mine sent me a text today saying they had been unable to get a delivery slot for her mother even though they had stayed up until midnight to do it. It’s very difficult when you have elderly parents to look after. and mine are 91 and 92 and can’t understand what’s going on. I think my dad thought I was going mad when I told him he was on biscuit rations. Take care and craft on. Happy creative week, Angela xXx

  6. glitterandglue

    Hi Shoshi. Goodness – you have really been playing with those celtic knots. Great tries. What will you do with them when you have ones you decide you like the best? Glad that, one way or another, you re getting the shopping that you need.
    Take care both of you. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  7. Angela Hoynes

    I didn’t notice I was commenting on last weeks post 🙂 Your Celtic Knots are great, How do you found working in Procreate? I have been looking at “Affinity” photo editing instead of Photoshop Elements. It takes me a while to make up my mind – I have had have PSE for years. I only update it every 4 or so years.
    It is amazing how people are behaving in the shops, I can’t decide if they are scared stupid or just selfish.
    I like oatcakes with cheese. Stay safe and thanks for visiting, Angela x

  8. Sarah Brennan

    I love those Celtic knots against the crumpled paper background best Shoshi. I smiled when I saw your oatcakes. Nothing like the Staffordshire oatcakes which are a local delicacy. Hubby went out yesterday on his own to do a little shopping. Things seem a little easier but a good job we don’t need loo roll this week. The bunting pennants are great and I am sure that they will be used eventually. Meow to the kitties, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  9. shazsilverwolf

    Hi Shoshi, love how the celtic motifs are coming along. Especially like the background textures. I agree this situation is bringing out both the best, and the worst in people. You really do only see peoples true colours in a crisis. Seeing the kitties asleep in your woolbox reminds me of the time one of my Moms cats- many, many years ago- chose that place to have her kittens! Mom was not impressed, lol. Dougs popping out on occasions for bits of shopping we need, to be honest mainly milk and sometimes bread. Always keep the freezer well stocked, and a good pantry of non perishables. Stay safe both, love & hugs, Shaz XxX

  10. sandra de

    Love the celtic motifs my favourite would have to be the royal purple and gold. Our church service is now held via Zoom. We all have to adapt so it seems … my only advice would be don’t put the camera too close to your face as the people on the other end just look up your nose. Truly we have to “social” distance even on zoom. Haha. Keep safe looks like you have lots of activities to keep you well and truly occupied.
    sandra de @6

  11. Sylvia/LittleTreasures

    Thanks for your visit. I am loving your cats. We had 2 brothers, Bax died totally ;unexpectedly 2 yrs ago and Bailey was so on a search for him for a year, has settled in well but sure gets a lot of attention ! Our are is not yet on total lock down, but we are in a rural area so not much close by. Our resturant changed to take out only and groceries are about 15 miles away. I like to be home so have lots to do. I do like your Celtic knots. Amazing what you can do with programs etc. You all stay safe and Blessings to you and yours.

  12. Amelia

    Hi Shoshi-
    This is a second attempt to leave a comment this week as I got sent away with a flea in my ear on Wednesday – apparently the browser thought I was a “bot”!
    Anyway – briefly, in case it happens again – I really like the way the Celtic knot experiment is progressing! The metallic colouring is very effective and the addition of the shadowing really made the designs pop. Like the crumpled paper background (looks abit like veined stone to me).
    Love , as always, the kitties, stubbornly curled up on that lumpy paper and wool combo. Surely can’t be comfortable?!
    Have agood weekend, hope this gets through!
    Amelia #36

  13. Debbie Rock

    So sorry for the very late reply this week Shoshi … like a lot of people I am struggling a bit with the current situation and my good intentions to reply promptly fail miserably.
    I love your celtic knots … and your bunting too! This was just such a lovely WOYWW post … just what I needed! Take care, love Debbie xXx

  14. Tracey

    Hi Shoshi, how lovely is the celtic knot so many different variations but always looks amazing in 2 or 3D. I have to say I adore the knitted heart you introduced into the bunting, makes me wish I had learnt my Mother’s ways with those needles but it’s just something that has never drawn me in creatively.
    I was sad to hear about the delivery slots, I thought you would have taken priority regarding delivery services, I hope you manage to get the necessary things you require soon.
    It’s been difficult for me with care duties and shopping for three different people, unable to do one shop for all due to the limit of certain items. Staying isolated is not an option for everyone but i’m as careful as I can be. You take care of yourselves & carry on sharing it’s a delight for us to see.
    Happy Sunday Tracey #19 xx

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