Artwork consisting of different media
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Another week when I have had the most tremendous amount of fun in the studio. I just wish I had more time to spend in there. Stamp storage This week I returned to my new storage project, using the plastic baskets purchased from the Range. The die…
Today I completed the two cards based on inked glossy photo paper. To see Part 1, please click here. It took me a lot longer than anticipated, because it was very difficult to get anything to stick to the slick surface of the glossy photo paper - even the back is plasticised and…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? Oh joy, back in my newly revamped studio and actually making some ART!!! I can't tell you how good this feels. However, my studio is now a MESS again - it didn't take long, did it - but at least this is "working" mess as opposed to…
In addition to the Pakistani Art Style Thank You card I made this week for the surgeon who performed my cancer surgery, I also wanted to make a card to thank the nurses at the Breast Unit for their kindness and support. My cousin is also about to celebrate her birthday, and as…
What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? We have now been asking each other that question for a total of eleven years now! Not that I was involved at the beginning, but I've been around for a good few years. We usually do an ATC (Artist Trading Card) swap to celebrate the anniversary but…
Yesterday I went to the Craft4Crafters show at Westpoint in Exeter. This one was slightly different from the one I went to in the autumn in that there was more emphasis on fibre crafts than papercrafting but the latter was still very well represented. I wasn't able to see much on the papercrafting…
Not sure if there is a WOYWW today because it's Christmas Day but I thought I'd post anyway - I wrote most of this on Christmas Eve in the evening. What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? I am crafting again!!! I can hardly believe it myself. I have been putting my new (early…
Updated! New photos of Tudor gown below... What's On Your Workdesk this Wednesday? I have tidied up! I still have a lot of fabric scraps to tidy up and reorganise, but it's so good to be able to see some surfaces again, and to be able to move round the room a bit…
Just to warn you - this is a very long post, but persevere, because among the many photos, there may be something that you find interesting. Plenty of different styles for different tastes! On Thursday 26th September I went to the Creative Crafts Show at the County Showground at Westpoint, just outside Exeter.…
No further progress on the slippers this week, I'm afraid. It's been another busy week. On Saturday we went to the fete at the village where we used to live. We try to go every year. It's always a fun afternoon out, and also an opportunity to meet up with old friends again.…