A Collage Paper from Scraps and Gilding Flakes

I had an Amazon delivery the other day, and after Ruby had finished sitting in the box, I thought it might be useful in the studio to put things in. The flaps were too large to fold inside neatly, so I trimmed them down. The strips were a bit damaged, showing the corrugated…


Organic Journal – Sunflowers Page

Completing the Tyvek sunflower In my previous post, I described how I made a sunflower from Tyvek. I got as far as making a mock-up to see how the petals might be arranged, and I still had the centre of the flower to make. I cut a 2-inch circle of Tyvek from a…

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Working with Tyvek

What is Tyvek and how can we use it? Tyvek is a non-woven high density polyethylene membrane manufactured by American company DuPont, used in the building trade to wrap buildings. It is water-resistant but pervious to water vapour (breathable), resistant to tearing, but easy to cut. It is immensely strong and flexible. There…